First Kiss

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A/N: I'm posting this chapter a couple of days early since I will be unavailable on Friday. I know the story has been going slowly so far, and I hope I haven't lost anyone to that...I also apologize for any typos, grammatical mistakes, or switching between British and American English without realizing (Microsoft Word makes a poor betareader). I'm finishing up with where I want to go with Year 6 (several chapters from now) and I'm not sure if I should continue with another story or two in the same universe or not. If you are enjoying the story, let me know! It keeps me motivated and lets me know what my readers are liking (and disliking)! 


I spent most of that weekend catching up on assignments and studying alone, while my friends attended to their own responsibilities. Sebastian had his first Quidditch team practice of the season, so he was unable to join Ominis on his weekly visit to Anne; but that meant we could make a plan to study some Charms and Transfiguration together. We planned to meet in the Undercroft on Sunday morning since the durable stone made it better-suited for spell work, so I was surprised when he interrupted my studies in the Room of Requirement on Saturday evening.

I had expected to see Deek, the house elf, when I heard the door open, so seeing Sebastian nearly made me drop the book I had precariously balanced in my lap, as I'd been lounging rather unladylike on a couch. My equally unrefined squeak made him stop in his tracks and look toward me sheepishly.

"Hi, there." His voice gave me images of a boy who'd been caught with his hand in cookie jar.

"Sebastian," I greeted, standing and smoothing my skirt with a blush. "I wasn't expecting to see you. Is something wrong?"

He rubbed the back of his neck uncomfortably, looking at the floor. "I was, uh, coming to visit the you said I could."

"Oh, of course, I'm sorry. I didn't realize you would actually..." I trailed off. Well, why wouldn't he, I thought to myself.

"I do. Uh, several times a week, actually. I like spending extra time here."

"That's great. I'm glad you can find solace here," I told him, biting my lip. "Would you like me to join you this time around?"

He smiled. "Sure."

And so, we spent time with the beasts, which provided me a much-needed break from all the studying. We both emerged from the vivarium refreshed. Before Sebastian could say it was time to leave, I invited him to sit with me for a while, which he accepted. We talked about Quidditch practice, which led to a whole discussion about the two new players, Eris and Sirius, and how they were remarkably slow to learn for those who had beat out all of the other contenders.

"Honestly, at this rate, we're not going to win a single game."

"Well, I hear Slytherin House has one of the best Keepers at Hogwarts, so maybe there's some hope for you, yet," I teased.

He smirked. "You are..."

"Right?" I said with a small chuckle.

His eyes met mine, an intense look I thought I'd seen before in them. He shifted toward me, putting one arm on the back of the couch. "I was going to say you're absolutely beautiful like this."

I could feel my face flushing a bit at his admission, but I couldn't look away.

"Any man is lucky to be near you when your eyes are dancing the fire I know is inside of you." His voice had taken on an alluring quality by now. "Even when I'm with you, I find myself wanting more."

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