Ancient Magic Traces

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As March faded and April began, the mountains were alive with spring. Anne finally convinced Sebastian to allow Ominis back into the Sallow home—escorted, of course, but it was progress. Natty had begun courting Brian McLaggen, after months of all of us trying to convince her to go for it. Poppy was still highly focused on helping Professor Howin and Ellie Peck with all of their Beasts, but she spent time with me every moment she could.

I found myself growing fonder and fonder of Garreth. He had a way of taking struggling students under his wing and helping where he could, even if it was by brewing a simple Calming Draught so they weren't too stressed by their upcoming final exams, the House Cup, or whatever the case may be. I was very quickly realizing that behind that mischievous demeanor was someone who truly epitomized the meaning of being a Gryffindor.

I'd be lying, though, if I said my heart hadn't raced when Sebastian approached me to apologize for being a right git and asked if we could start again as friends. He still didn't remember much, he said, but he didn't want to lose another person he trusted. Though Garreth didn't seem too terribly pleased by this, he was very clear that he trusted me and that I should never call into question any of my friendships on account of him. The first study session with both of them in it was still as awkward as anyone might expect.

All of us were miserable leading into the week before the spring holiday. If I had thought fifth year was difficult academically, sixth year surpassed it by miles—and not simply because of my magical troubles. With no noticeable improvement, I'd grown desperate enough to ask Sebastian to come along to a couple of old ruins—one near the coast and one near Feldcroft—and he'd agreed. We met outside the south castle entrance, near the groundskeepers cottage, on the Sunday before Easter.

"Ready?" he asked, offering an arm as I nodded and gripped tightly so we could Apparate to the hillside near the coastal ruins. As we landed, my stomach felt as if it were in knots. I hated the feeling so much, and I didn't understand how he could do it.

His eyes met mine playfully as he released me. "Are you ever going to learn to Apparate or are you going to continue to use the excuse to be so close to me?"

I swallowed the bile, shaking my head at his comment as I smiled despite my nausea. Sometimes, like now, it felt like I was with the old Sebastian even though I knew I wasn't. "I'm working on it," I defended, which was true. An instructor had been holding lessons in Hogsmeade since February, but I hadn't quite mastered the practice yet.

"I was only joking," he insisted. The venom in his voice caught me off guard.

I wouldn't have guessed it would be so easy to strike a nerve with him today, but I let it go. No use in fighting with each other when we both needed to be on our guards. I started up the hill toward the old castle, instead focusing on the fact that it must have been quite stately in its time.

"I never said thank you for the Occlumency book," Sebastian's voice drifted from behind me.

Small talk. Lovely. "You did, actually...when I gave it to you."

"Oh, I wasn't sure I did."

I found a path, picking my way past some rocks. "I hope you've found it useful thus far."

He caught up to me. "It's been very illuminating."

I felt a familiar buzz in the air around me and stopped for a moment, closing my eyes. Taking a deep breath, I smiled. It was like seeing an old friend again. Sebastian was looking at me with curious eyes when I reopened mine. I took a step and a wisp of Ancient Magic drifted forward and to my right. He followed my gaze but still seemed confused.

"Are you all right?" It occurred to me that he had never seen me following the traces.

I nodded, looking at him joyfully. "I can feel it," I exclaimed before running in the direction the wisps were leading me toward.

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