St. Mungo's

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We received several odd stares at St. Mungo's as I walked behind Ominis with Alaris contentedly perching on my outstretched arm.

"Is that a phoenix?"

"Merlin's beard!"

"A phoenix!"

Of the three of us, Ominis seemed the most uncomfortable. He told me he felt like the bird was staring into the back of his skull.

Once we reached Ward 49, Anne's home due to her permanent condition, we found her in a semi-secluded bed near the back. She smiled weakly in greeting upon seeing Ominis but it changed to a look of surprise when she saw me, holding Alaris. She looked worse than even two weeks ago, I thought, as if she had barely enough strength to be awake.

"Merlin, is that what I think it is?" she asked breathlessly.

As if choosing to answer himself, Alaris chose that moment to hop onto the bed with her, causing Ominis to duck. He let out a sweet little whistle, sidling up to her. She reached out a hand tentatively, and he bowed his head to let her stroke him.

"What's happening? Anne?" Ominis asked, clearly unsettled.

"Oh, he's beautiful! He's letting me get to know him, Ominis." Anne exclaimed as the phoenix continued to allow her to pet his feathers gently.

"His name is Alaris," I introduced.

Alaris let out another squeak, settling down next to Anne. "He's so warm!" she said as he laid his head on her hand and began singing to her softly.

I watched as Anne's features seemed to relax as she watched and touched the bird. The lines on her face smoothed a bit. I wondered if she felt any pain. Ominis settled down on her other side, taking her hand quietly, while I grabbed a chair. We talked for what seemed like hours, Alaris seeming to fall asleep in the bed next to Anne as we visited her. Eventually, Anne also drifted off to sleep.

Ominis finally spoke up, softly so as not to wake her, "I don't think I have seen her relaxed like this since she was cursed."

"Professor Howin said their song seems to provide comfort to those around them. Maybe their presence does, as well," I suggested.


A nurse stopped by to check on us and tell us that visiting hours were coming to an end. She saw Alaris and raised her eyebrows in surprise, but said nothing.

"Anne," Ominis said, putting his hand on her arm gently to rouse her.

She didn't respond.

"Anne?" Ominis' voice took on a concerned quality.

Alaris lifted his head, looking around before standing. He turned to look me in the eye for a moment, tears forming in his own.

"Oh!" I quickly conjured a small phial and captured the tears as they fell. There were only a few, but perhaps it would be enough? I held it up to the light. "Thank you, my dear friend," I told him, giving him a scratch behind the head.

Alaris turned back to Anne with a squawk. Ominis was still trying to wake her. "Please, my love."

The nurse came back over, concerned. "Not again."

She pushed me aside. Alaris jumped from the bed and onto my shoulder to observe.

"Miss Sallow," the nurse said, placing something under Anne's nose—possibly smelling salts—causing her to open her eyes with a start. "There we are."

Anne was breathing hard, looking around with unseeing eyes. The nurse looked her over as Anne groaned in pain, her eyes beginning to roll back in her head. The nurse sat her up quickly, leaning her over the edge of the bed so she could vomit. I swallowed the taste of my own bile, looking away briefly. When I focused on Anne again, she was quiet and mostly awake. Ominis had her hand in his, rubbing her arm in comfort as she looked up at him miserably.

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