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Warning: This chapter contains a brief depiction of interpersonal violence and discussion of associated injuries. Though it is not very descriptive, I know this can be troubling for some.


The snow outside Cave Number 42 was trampled and mostly melted, causing the ground the become soft with mud. I saw any number of boot and beast prints around it, making me wonder if the witch or wizard who had kidnapped Sebastian was also the one responsible for the incidents in Hogsmeade and other hamlets. Perhaps they'd even been the one to set fire to Feldcroft? My mind worked through the possibilities, knowing that if that last part were true, then the message left for me might indeed be a trap and not a cry for help left by Sebastian.

My girlfriend, his voice echoed in my mind from the night of the Yule Ball. That had been the first time he'd ever put a name to what we were. I shook off the thought as I found the secluded entrance, knowing there would be plenty of time to figure all of that out later. Best to focus on the task at hand.

Like many of the others in the Forbidden Forest, this cave was more like a system of caverns. I pushed deeper into it, cautiously making my way through the narrow passage. My heart pounded in my chest as I searched for any signs of what had happened to Sebastian.

I heard a faint sound. It was a low groan, coming from deeper in the cave. My wand at the ready, I followed the noise until I saw a figure hunched over on the ground. It was Sebastian, bound and gagged. His eyes were barely open as he groaned again. I rushed to his side and quickly removed the gag from his mouth and began to untie him, hoping to get him out of there as fast as possible.

As I untied him, I asked, "Where are they? Are they here?" Deeper in the cave, maybe?

Sebastian shook his head, eyes still only half open. "I haven't seen him in days."

Days. Had he been without food or water for days? No wonder he seemed so weak. A voice in the back of my mind once again warned me this could be a trap, with Sebastian as bait. Still, I had to get him out of here.

As the last of the ropes fell, he twisted his wrists, rubbing them each with his other hand. "Oh, that's better. Thank you, darling."

I hugged him quickly. "Are you all right? Do you know where your wand is?"

"Physically, yes, and I'm sure it's around here somewhere. Wouldn't make sense to take it anywhere else." He followed me as I did a quick search of the cavern, finding nothing but a few errant Sickles.

"Follow me. We can look for it and make sure we've freed all the beasts he's been experimenting on."

"After you," he gestured, looking around the cavern, presumably to be sure we were alone.

The next few grottos were full of empty cages but nothing else. We came to a locked door. Casting Alohomora, we entered what appeared to be an office. On the desk was a stack of papers detailing the wizard's notes on his experiments, but I only glanced over them briefly. A small chest in the corner held several wands and other accessories, and after a brief search, I recognized Sebastian's green-handled aspen wand. I took it out and handed it to him.

"Thank you," he said as our hands brushed. As I pulled away, he captured my wrist, linking our fingers, slowly and carefully. Our eyes met only briefly before he leaned into me, capturing my mouth with his.

The sensation exploded through my entire body, and I moaned involuntarily as his tongue sought entrance. I was dimly aware of being pressed against the rock wall as one of Sebastian's hands cradled my neck. My own fingers tangled in his hair. I was left neither believing what was happening nor wanting it to stop. His lips were soft, but demanding, and I wanted more.

In the Shadow of Darkness | Sebastian SallowWhere stories live. Discover now