Back to Hogwarts

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"Oh, these are delicious!" Poppy exclaimed through a mouthful of sweets.

Natty laughed, picking another candy from the pile she had brought with her from Uganda. "I knew you would both like these!"

The three of us had already changed into their robes and were enjoying a lively conversation highlighting Natty's adventures in Uganda when someone knocked on the compartment door. I cleared my throat before acknowledging, "Who is it?"

The door slid open slowly, revealing Ominis. Happiness and relief washed over me. I hadn't seen him on the platform, and I had hoped he would find us. "May I join you?"

Natty and Poppy seemed unsure, probably not knowing Ominis very well other than relating him to his family's views on blood status. I spoke up first, before it became awkward, "Of course, Ominis, we'd love that."

He smiled, taking a seat next to me. "Are those chocolates?" he asked as he gestured toward the pile of Ugandan sweets.

"Oh, yes. And other candy from my home country," Natty confirmed. "Is chocolate your favorite? I can recommend which you should try first?" she offered.

"Yes, thank you, Ms. Onai." Ominis took the sweet from her gently, using his hands to feel the shape of the package before opening it.

"Please, call me Natty." She was smiling, but I could tell she was still a bit nervous.

"Of course, Natty." He tried the name. "Forgive me for not introducing myself. I'm Ominis, Ominis Gaunt, but you're more than welcome to forget about my surname as I much prefer being known for who I am, not my family." He turned toward Poppy. "And you are Ms. Sweeting, if memory serves?"

"Yes, Poppy," she replied, her voice small.

"It is lovely to meet you both. Eleanor has told me much about your adventures last year. I hope that we may be...friends." The pause was small but I noticed it.

My brow furrowed, but before I could say anything more, Poppy spoke, "I remember you. You're always with that other boy. Sebastian, I think? Shame what happened."

My eyes darted to her, surprised and confused. "Have you heard something?!"

Poppy seemed confused. "His uncle died at the end of term last year. You're the one who told me, remember?"

Natty looked between the three of us, eyebrow raised. "Does this have to do with the owl you received the morning we left Hogwarts?"

I sighed. "I should have told you both sooner." Somehow I had kept this from them all summer. I didn't know how I had made it this far with two of my three remaining friends not knowing all of the life-changing events from the end of school.

"You didn't tell them?" Ominis asked, clearly surprised.

"I didn't know how," I admitted. "Besides, I thought there would be some news in the Daily Prophet...something."

"Did something happen to Sebastian?" Poppy asked.

"Yes." My throat felt like it was closing up.

"Sebastian killed his uncle," Ominis told them casually.

Both girls gasped.

"It''s more complicated than that," I added.

"How does it get more complicated than killing someone?!" Natty asked.

"I was there," I told them. "I saw it happen. But there's more to all of this than Sebastian." I told them everything, all of it. She recounted the Keepers and their trials, Ranrok, the Ancient Magic, working with Sebastian, and everything in between. "...Ominis and I were left with a choice. We could turn him in so his uncle would get justice or we could keep his secret safe knowing that he had to live with that guilt as punishment enough."

In the Shadow of Darkness | Sebastian SallowWhere stories live. Discover now