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Author's Note: Sorry for the delay in posting yesterday. Severe weather kept me, so I'm making it up to you by posting two chapters tonight instead of Wednesday/Friday this week! I would love to know what you think. I haven't gotten any feedback at all and it's making me wonder if I should continue it or not.


As September drew to a close, we were all in the thick of assignments. I, for one, could not have predicted the amount of hard work N.E.W.T. level classes would bring. I spent most days studying after class, either in the library or in the Room of Requirement. Natty's schedule with Astronomy prevented her from joining me most nights, and Poppy had been putting in extra hours with Professor Howin, so I was often alone. Occasionally, I would meet Sebastian and Ominis in the Undercroft to practice some of our spell work, but the three of us would meet in the library just as frequently.

I rarely saw Sebastian without Ominis these days, which made me happy. The two of them had joined Poppy, Natty, and myself, a few times over the past couple of weeks. It was wonderful to have all of my friends on speaking terms for the first time in a long time. Even so, I would often wish I had more time to spend alone with Sebastian as we had that first weekend back to school. I would hear a whisper every so often about whether or not the two of us were courting, but if anyone had asked me directly, I wasn't sure if even I could answer.

Outside the school walls, I noticed the leaves beginning to change and the air turning crisp. Daily, I saw more and more activity over at the Quidditch Pitch as potential team members of each house began practicing more and more to be ready for trials the first weekend of October. Many students were excited at the prospect of making up for the previous year. Sebastian, who spent much of his spare time on the Pitch with the Slytherin team, tried to convince me to join, but I wasn't sure I had the time. My studies, plus weekly meetings with Professor Hecat, were proving hard enough.

On a Thursday morning, I received an owl from Poppy asking me to meet her after class so we could go to the Forbidden Forest and apologizing for how long it had taken to find time to meet. That evening, after Care of Magical Creatures, we headed toward the forest instead of the Great Hall with everyone else.

Much of the light had faded by the time we reached the stone circle, where Poppy called out to the centaurs asking the speak with them. We stood in the circle for several minutes with no answer, and I thought perhaps we were out of luck until I heard the rumbling of hooves. Elek and Dorran appeared at the edge of the circle, but I could sense more behind them in the shadows.

"My young friends," Dorran greeted softly with a nod.

"Good evening to you both," Poppy replied, also bowing her head slightly in respect.

"You are unwise to come here so late, especially with the dangers lurking here," Elek warned.

"Those dangers are why we hoped to speak with you," I said.

Dorran chucked. "I am not surprised. You two have a habit of finding trouble."

Maybe under any other circumstance I would find his words funny, but I looked to Poppy. She had spent more time with the centaurs than I had, and I didn't want to be rude.

She remained serious. "We have heard of all sorts of magical creatures from the Forbidden Forest being spotted or even causing mayhem near Hogsmeade and many of the hamlets. One was reported to be a centaur."

Elek shifted uncomfortably. "We know of the other beasts roaming far too close to humans of late." He paused, considering.

"Do you know what might be causing it?" I asked, fully aware he was not confirming or denying that a centaur had been seen.

In the Shadow of Darkness | Sebastian SallowWhere stories live. Discover now