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The spring holidays went amazingly fast despite the amount of school work I had to do. I found myself thankful that my spell casting was back to what it once was, and though I did notice I was tiring more easily than before, it felt good to be able to use my magic again. I also finally learned how to Apparate properly, passing the required test the Friday before classes resumed.

I spent the entire break avoiding Sebastian, which unfortunately meant I had to distance myself from Ominis. Sebastian, of course, didn't bother with any correspondence, and he didn't try to seek me out, either. I figured he and Imelda had their own plans, anyway. Ominis, however, sent me not one, but two owls to express his discontent. I'd ignored the first; but after the second, which broke my heart when he asked if he'd said or done something wrong, I wrote him simply, None of this is your fault. I need time. I figured if anyone could respect those words, it was Ominis.

The day everyone returned from Hogsmeade Station, I stayed in the common room reading ahead on Transfiguration. I knew Garreth would find me, eventually, and I was right. He was drawn to me like a moth to flame, leaning down to kiss me immediately. I turned my head so his lips landed on my cheek, causing his brow to furrow in confusion as he sat down beside me.

"I brought you some Chocoballs from the train," he offered, pulling the treats out of his robes. "I know they're your favorite."

I smiled guiltily. "You remembered?" I was pretty sure I'd only mentioned that to him once.

"Of course, I did. I wouldn't be a very good boyfriend if I didn't listen, would I?"

I suddenly couldn't look at him as a cold feeling filled my veins. "Garreth, I..." Tears were just below the surface as a lump formed in my throat.

Again, his brow furrowed as he shifted closer to me. "Is everything all right?"

My eyes met his green ones, and I shook my head as I lost my fight with the tears. They spilled down my cheeks, leaving a wet trail.

"Hey, hey, no, don't cry," Garreth said quickly, wiping them away before pulling my head into his shoulder. "I'm here. Deep breaths."

I did as he asked, calm washing over me with each one. When I leaned back, I sniffled, but finally had my emotions under control. "I'm sorry."

"Nothing to be sorry about." He smiled reassuringly as he squeezed my hand.

"No, there is," I insisted. I opened my mouth, but no sound came out, so I closed it and tried again. "I think we're moving too fast."

Garreth shifted, sitting straighter and averting his gaze to the fireplace.

"I thought I was ready, but I'm not." I wiped a few errant tears, sniffling again. "You deserve more than someone who is still..."

Green eyes met mine empathetically. "I know."


He smiled in understanding. "I had hoped... Well, when you turned down the opportunity to meet my family, I saw the look on your face. I've been pushing you into things you aren't ready for, and I shouldn't have. I'm sorry for that."

"You're a good man, Garreth. I don't..." my voice faltered, and I sighed.

He closed his eyes, smile fading. He swallowed, and when he reopened them, he seemed to find our clasped hands to be the most interesting thing in the world. "Eleanor, we are friends, first and foremost." His eyes met mine again. I could tell they were filled with both sadness and hope. "I have never meant to force you into anything you did not want."

I couldn't help but smile. This man in front of me was somehow one of the kindest souls I had ever met. I felt so bad that I felt nothing more than a fondness for him. "Thank you."

In the Shadow of Darkness | Sebastian SallowWhere stories live. Discover now