Dinner Date?

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Author's Note: Apologies for getting this chapter out a bit later than planned. I aim to post chapters on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays, but I was traveling yesterday. I hope you're enjoying the story as much as I'm enjoying writing it. I am toying with some plot lines for later in the story and considering whether or not to split sixth and seventh years into two stories. I'd love your feedback, either with that or anything else!
"Good morning, Ominis!" I greeted as I sat down beside him at Alchemy the next morning.
He didn't smile, barely acknowledging me.
"What's the matter?" I asked, immediately sensing something was wrong.
"It's Sebastian. He never came back to the dormitory last night." He seemed to consider for a moment, then added, "And the night before last, he must've had a nightmare. Woke the entire room calling out something about...eyes."
My brow furrowed in confusion. "Eyes? As in, human or...?"
He shook his head, "I haven't a clue. He didn't go back to sleep, either—got up and left the room. I haven't seen him since."
Before I could say anything, Professor Nott began his lecture. Sebastian was still noticeably absent from the back of the room. Ominis seemed to notice, too, looking concerned. I watched him visibly relax, though, when the door opened, and I looked back to see Sebastian hurry in, clearly looking flustered.
"Ah, Mr. Sallow. Nice of you to join us," Professor Nott scolded. "That will be detention and 10 points from Slytherin."
"Yes, sir," Sebastian mumbled before sitting down.
"Ah, it's utter rubbish, again," Ominis said in frustration over his Scintillation Solution.
I couldn't help the giggle that escaped my lips at his comment. I looked over to examine the potion. "Well, it's definitely not glowing," I observed. "How many drops of Essence of Firefly did you use?"
"Two, I think? Isn't that how many?" He pointed his wand at the potions book in concentration, then sighed. "No, it was two Billywig Stings and three drops of Essence of Firefly. Damn it!"
I saw Garreth smirk out of the corner of my eye and shot him an admonishing look as Ominis stood to dispose of his failed potion. Sebastian had been uncharacteristically quiet, and when I glanced in his direction, he was staring into his own cauldron. The solution was bubbling and had just begun to sparkle. "Yours is looking quite good, Sebastian. Looks like it's almost finished."
"Thank you," he replied absent-mindedly, stealing a glance at my own potion. "Yours too."
My eyes locked with his, and he smiled softly. My heart beat a little faster as I smiled back.
The rest of the day passed with nothing of interest until after Transfiguration. Natty, Poppy, and I had gathered not far from the door, making plans to meet up later in the week, when Sebastian approached. All conversation stopped, making him look between the three of us with a humorous smile on his face. "Talking about me, were you?"
"Hardly, Sebastian," Natty laughed. She gestured to Poppy and patted me on the shoulder. "We'll see you both later."
"Lovely to see you, Sebastian," Poppy said quietly before they walked away.
"But really, what was that about?" he asked.
"We'll be meeting later this week to study at the library," I told him quickly, hoping he wouldn't press further. The last thing he needed was to get involved in whatever was going on in Hogsmeade.
He looked around, seemingly to see if we were alone.
My brow furrowed. "Everything all right?"
"I..." his voice cracked. He cleared his throat, his face turning slightly pink as he stared at the floor. "I was wondering if you'd like to sit with me for dinner."
I smiled. "Of course."
"Really? I mean, that's great!" His eyes moved to mine, warm and clearly relieved I'd said yes. He rubbed his hands together before gesturing forward. "Um, after you."
As we walked, he kept stride with me easily, and at first, we said nothing. I felt his hand brush mine ever so slightly, and my breath quickened at the sensation. I looked up at him to find he was already watching me. I felt my mouth go dry and swallowed hard, trying to think of anything to get my mind off of the fluttering in my stomach. "I found another book you might like," was all I could come up with.
"Oh, really?"
"Yes, it's about Occlumency," I told him. "I figured it would be good to learn about it as well as Legilimency."
He glanced around, lowering his voice. "Interesting."
"It's very difficult to master, from what I've read so far. I can—"
"Can we talk about this later...when there are less people around?" he interrupted.
I bit my lip. "No problem."
We sat at the Slytherin table that night and enjoyed a quiet meal, while making small talk. It all felt very awkward, if I was honest. I noticed that Sebastian barely ate, and made a mental note to ask Ominis if this was normal behavior for him. I finished my own meal, and made a move to get up. Sebastian hurried to stand, as well, moving the bench slightly and earning a glare from some nearby seventh-year girls.
"Can I—uh—walk you to your common room?" he asked, rubbing his neck.
I raised an eyebrow. "It's in the opposite direction of yours."
"I know that," he countered. "I'd like to do it though, if it's all right with you?"
My lips twitched now. "That's very sweet of you."
We headed toward the Grand Staircase, but this time, instead of going down it, he followed me up. As we reached the top of the first flight, he brazenly grabbed my hand. I swear my heart skipped a beat. Just before the corridor to the Fat Lady's portrait, I pulled him to the mezzanine. A few other Gryffindors were milling about, and one or two glanced over in curiosity.
Ignoring them, I turned to face Sebastian, taking his other hand in mine. Our eyes met, and I forgot anything I could've said.
"Thank you for joining me tonight," he whispered. "It meant a lot."
As if I would've said no. "I was happy to join you."
His eyes softened, a genuine smile playing on his lips. "'The brightness of her cheek would shame those stars.'"
"You've read Shakespeare." I couldn't hide my surprise.
He nodded. "My mother was an admirer of his work." His face turned serious as one hand came up to cup my cheek, his gaze shifting to my mouth momentarily as he licked his lips.
My breath quickened.
A group of first years walking by seemed to bring him back to reality, and the spell was broken. He blinked a few times, dropping his hand from my face. "Good night, Eleanor," he said, bringing our intertwined hands up and kissing my knuckles.
"'Parting is such sweet sorrow,'" I quoted.
He gave me a crooked smile, releasing my hand before disappearing down the stairs. I steadied myself on the wall, trying to process what had just happened, before heading down the corridor. I managed the password, barely, and headed into the common room, my head filled images of Sebastian's eyes and the feel of his skin against mine.

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