The Keepers

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"I'm afraid there's not much you can do, Ms. Jerome," Professor Fitzgerald said once the four Keepers had heard the full story of Anne's condition and how it had progressed over the last few weeks. "Ancient Magic like that Isidora Morganach used can only take away the emotions, such as grief—much as she did with her father and many others."

I looked at Sebastian apologetically. Though he met my eyes, he seemed disconnected.

"Not much is known about Ancient Magic, overall," Professor Rookwood added. "We do know it can be unpredictable, and that any wielder is not creating new but manipulating that which already exists."

Professor Rackham had listened to the situation and his colleagues' conversation quietly, but thoughtfully, but said nothing.

"Thank you, Professors," Sebastian spoke up. "I appreciate your time, and I wish—" his voice cracked with emotion— "I wish there was something, anything, you could think of to help."

Rackham shifted in his portrait, looking between Sebastian and myself. "I do not wish to give you hope that is not there, Mr. Sallow, but as Professor Rookwood said, Ancient Magic as we understand it is unpredictable. We have seen it heal and bring life back to the land, destroy vastly powerful enemies, and even protect those who need it most. It is tied to our own nature beyond anything else." He paused, focusing only on me. "It's not that it can or can't be done. It's that we do not know its potential or its dangers."

I glanced from Professor Rackham to Professor San Bakar, who nodded silently. To the left, Professors Rookwood and Fitzgerald also nodded in assent.

"Thank you, Professors," I said.

Professor Rackham bowed his head solemnly. "Best of luck, my young friends."

Sebastian and I walked up the stairs from the Map Chamber and Astronomy Wing dungeons in complete silence. His hand brushed mine as we passed the History of Magic classroom, and I took it as he pushed the door to the Transfiguration Courtyard. We crossed the Courtyard together, him pulling me slightly as he quickened his pace, and entered the Defence Against the Dark Arts Tower. Before long, we were in the Undercroft, and only then did Sebastian release my hand. He settled on a wooden crate, elbows on his knees and head cradled in his hands. Moving his hands through his hair, he looked up at me, resting his chin against his fingers with a sigh.

"I don't know what to do," I told him quietly, sorrowfully.

Sebastian chewed a fingernail, deep in thought. "'Tied to our own nature.' That's got to be a key to helping Anne. Maybe there's a book in the library—the Restricted Section?"

I exhaled uncomfortably. I could see him going down a path he'd been before. Crouching down I took his hands in mine. "Sebastian."

Chocolate brown eyes regarded me quizzically.

"I know this is hard. I want to help Anne, too, but breaking rules and researching dangerous magic..."

He pursed his lips. Eyes darting away from me for a moment. "I know."

I placed my hand on his cheek and his eyes, full of hopelessness, searched mine. My heart broke for him. "We'll figure this out. If there's a way to save Anne, we will find it—but we've got to do this right. We have Ominis on our side, too. He wants to help. We need to let him."

Sebastian closed his eyes, a tear escaping and running along my thumb. He brought his hand up to cover mine, leaning into me as his body shuddered with emotion. He pressed his lips to my palm as he'd done earlier that evening, breathing out unsteadily. This time, he guided my hand to rest against his chest, and I could feel his steady heartbeat underneath my fingers. Slowly, he nodded.

In the Shadow of Darkness | Sebastian SallowWhere stories live. Discover now