Healing Anne

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I chose to sleep instead of joining my classmates for the Quidditch game. Merlin knew I needed it. When I eventually rose, I chose to hop on my broom and fly around the Highlands. It was quite peaceful up there amongst the clouds and away from all of the worries of the world.

Sirona had sent me a message a week prior to say she had heard of no new incidents around Hogsmeade or any of the hamlets. It appeared that although whoever had abducted Sebastian was still at large, they had either abandoned their pursuits or were choosing to lie low for now. I, for one, was grateful. Between my broken heart, my classwork, and trying to help Anne, I already felt stretched far beyond my capabilities.

I spent hours on that broom, eventually finding a shady oak tree by the Black Lake and sitting under it. It was warm for a February day, so I figured I might as well enjoy it. I still found myself chilled after some time, and I was quite hungry, so I headed to the Great Hall for some dinner with the rest of my classmates. The air was jovial—Slytherin had beaten Ravenclaw—and quite opposite my mood. I found a spot near the door so I could make a quick escape, if needed, and quickly filled my plate so I could hopefully eat with no one noticing.

"I bet Sallow and Reyes are going to be celebrating the win tonight...in more ways than one," a small conspiratorial voice drifted from nearby. I tried to ignore it.

"Really, I can't believe she'd kiss him in front of everybody like that!" said another.

My heart sank and what little appetite I had left me. I slipped out of the Great Hall before I could hear anything more and made a beeline for the Gryffindor common room, hoping no one saw the look I knew had to be on my face.

"Are you alright?" a concerned voice caught my attention as I came through the pipe into the common room. Garreth Weasley had curled himself up on a couch by the fireplace, but he looked ready to jump to action if needed.

I met his striking green eyes, considered for a moment, and then shook my head.

His brows knit, and he cleared off a space for me on the couch before patting it. "Come here."

I complied, and we sat silently for a little while. I stared at the fireplace, its flames dancing in amongst the logs, hypnotizing me.

"If this is about what I think," Garreth hinted, "you have every right to be upset."

I couldn't look away from the flames.

He followed my gaze. "Listen, I know I am a bit of a rake—"

I snorted. A bit? I didn't dare count the number of girls I'd seen him cozied up with since the start of the school year.

"—a cad, whatever you wish to call me," he continued, undeterred, "and maybe I have no right saying something like this, but—" now he looked at me— "I also care about you, and I don't want to see you like this. You deserve better."

Our eyes met, and I saw he meant every word. I felt the smallest of smiles tug at my lips. "Thanks."

He put his arm around my shoulders, rubbing my arm slightly as he pulled me against his torso slightly. "I'm here for you. I hope you know that."

I leaned my head into his shoulder gratefully. Despite his propensity for explosive potions, Garreth was a good man. Anyone who couldn't see that was wearing blinders.

Garreth took it upon himself to be my shadow that week—at least for the classes we shared. Ominis, who had been friendly enough on Monday morning, seemed confused and uncomfortable by the end of that day and kept his distance for most of the rest of the week. So did Sebastian, but that was nothing new.

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