First Day of Classes

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I woke early the next morning, grabbing an apple from the common room in lieu of breakfast. My first class of the term was Alchemy, which I figured would compliment Ancient Magic quite well. I'd achieved all ten of my O.W.L.s with at least an Acceptable, a feat considering I had struggled to study as much as I needed. Alchemy and Ancient Runes would be my only new classes, for a total of nine. I'd had to get special permission to pick up Ancient Runes, and had been told to expect extra assignments and an O.W.L. exam if I chose to continue the class into next year. Not ideal, since I should be shifting my focus to N.E.W.T.s for next year, but I figured I could manage.

Walking into Alchemy, I spotted Ominis sitting alone near the front. As I approached, he perked up. "Well, hello there."

"Good morning, Ominis."

He visibly relaxed. "Please, sit down before Sebastian arrives. I don't want him to think I want him sitting next to me."

"He's taking Alchemy?"

"Yes, and if I remember your schedule correctly, we'll also see him in Transfiguration, Defence Against the Dark Arts, Potions, and Charms. I'm not sure about your other classes, but he also has Advanced Arithmancy with me." He seemed displeased by this.

"How do you know all this?"

"He told me last night. The one time I can't avoid him is when I'm trying to sleep," Ominis replied, his usual casual tone bearing a bit of annoyance. He straightened slightly, whispering, "He's here."

I made a point not to look behind me, but it was difficult. I swore I could feel his eyes on me from across the room.

"Ah, Mr. Sallow. Just in time," Professor Bagshot greeted. "Please take your seat next to Ms. Reyes, and we will begin." He gestured and the classroom doors closed, and only then did I take the chance to look back.

Sebastian was settling into a chair next to Imelda at the back of the classroom. My eyes had barely lighted on him when he looked my direction. I felt a small little warmth at the glance, giving him a small wave in greeting before turning back toward Professor Bagshot.

"I noticed that Sebastian came back to the common room barely before curfew last night. How did your meeting go?" Ominis used a low tone, causing me to lean in a bit to hear him better.

"Walk with me to Potions and we can talk," I whispered back as Bagshot glanced in our direction.

"Need I remind you that side conversations are detrimental to learning, Mr. Gaunt and Ms. Jerome? 5 points each from Slytherin and Gryffindor for your inattention." I blushed at Bagshot's admonishment and I felt Ominis shift beside me.

After a pause, he began lecturing about what to expect in the coming year before informing us that we were starting with an test to assess our levels of knowledge. All ten of us groaned at the announcement. I didn't know much, so I knew I didn't do well as I walked out of the classroom to meet Ominis.

"That was harsh," a voice came from just behind me as I opened the door. Sebastian slipped through the open door behind me.

"The test or the points deduction?" I asked offhandedly, looking for Ominis and finding him leaning against a wall not too far away.

"Both," Sebastian replied, following me. "I have to admit, I never thought I'd see the day that Ominis would lose house points."

As if on cue, Ominis stood from his spot. "There's a first time for everything." Obviously frustrated, he pulled out his wand before curtly adding, "I need to get to Potions," and wandering off.

Blast, I thought as I watched his retreating form.

"Chocolate?" Sebastian held an open package out to me. I broke off a piece and thanked him before eating it. He popped a piece into his own mouth, reminding me a little of the Sebastian I knew despite his haggard appearance.

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