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She loved him. She loved him! Sebastian couldn't wrap his head around it. How could someone so perfect and beautiful fall for someone like him? Where he was darkness, she was light. He didn't deserve her–would probably never deserve her. He was thankful he had no more exams or there would have been no way he could've focused on them. He spent every extra minute with her the next two weeks, but the time went by far too quickly. Thoughts of her consumed not only his waking moments, but his dreams, as well.

Gryffindor won the House Cup, much to his own House's displeasure, but he couldn't help but be a little happy for the witch who now held his heart. He spent the entire End-of-Year Feast itching to be near her, and the minute they were all dismissed from the festivities, he had his hand in hers again, pulling her into a private corner to steal a kiss or two before escorting her back to her common room. He knew he'd have to behave outside of that damned portrait. The Fat Lady had wasted no time chastising them the previous week when he'd only given her a peck.

They climbed the last set of stairs to the mezzanine, hands intertwined tightly, and he took her as far as he could before he knew he'd have to let her go inside alone. "Meet you tomorrow morning at the carriages?" he asked as if he didn't already know the answer.

Eleanor beamed up at him. "Of course."

He reached out to cup her cheek, running his fingers over her beauty marks. He knew she hated them, but they were one of his favorite things about her–along with her beautifully blue-green eyes, and how her hair fell loosely from its plait and framed her face. Leaning forward, he placed a kiss on her forehead before bidding her good night.

As he watched her disappear into the Gryffindor common room, his excitement grew. One more night and they'd have the entire summer together. Though Anne and Eleanor had had to convince him, Ominis would be joining them, as well. For too long, he'd been part of two different trios from two different eras of his experience at Hogwarts–and now, they would become a quartet. As he walked back to the Slytherin dungeon, his heart felt light.

Though many questions were left unanswered–namely who had abducted and cursed him to kill Eleanor–he knew the man could only hide for so long. Though Sebastian knew the memories of his time under the Imperius Curse would likely not return, he knew they'd find the wizard responsible eventually, and when they did, Sebastian fully intended to give him exactly what he deserved. Until then, the unlikely trio of two Slytherins wizards and a Gryffindor witch would ride back to Kings Cross as if they hadn't just endured yet another year beyond what any student should be facing. They would fill his parents' home–his home–with laughter and happiness befitting seventeen year olds preparing for their last year of education.

As he lay his head upon his pillow that night, the sounds of his snoring classmates surrounding him, Sebastian Sallow felt something he hadn't felt in far too long: hope.


A/N: I'd be lying if I said I wasn't a bit sad that this story is over. It's been an amazing journey for me getting back into fanfiction and writing as a whole. I hope you've enjoyed it even half as much as I have. I know there are a lot of unanswered questions, but rest-assured, those open plotlines should be finished in the Year Seven return, In the Shadow of Light. As I said before, I'll have a small break before posting that one so I can write a few more chapters than I have right now. I want to keep a regular posting schedule for it like I did with this one, but if you give me a follow you won't miss it! In the meantime, be on the lookout for some other fics I'll be publishing over the next few weeks.

Thanks so much for reading!

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