Love is the Key

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"Miriam would have loved you, my young friend," Professor Fig assured me, struggling with his words. "The wizarding world could not be in more capable hands."

My emotions were barely below the surface. My heart was breaking as I watched him breathe his last breath. As his body became lifeless, hot tears were streaming down my face. Professor Fig was as close to a father as I'd ever known, and now he was gone. What was I going to do now?

My surroundings changed. Solomon Sallow lie on the floor, dead. Sebastian stood over him, a horrified look on his face as he dropped his wand in absolute shock of what he had just done. His gaze traveled from his wand to his uncle's body in stunned silence.

Anne appeared out of the corner of my eye, shouting, "Depulso!"

Her brother flew across the room and into a wall. When he fell to the ground, he stayed seated against it, grunting in pain as she dispatched the remaining Inferi. Then, she ran to check her uncle. Sebastian and I watched as her concern turned to grief and then anger as she stood to face him. Sebastian let out a soundless sob as the gravity of what he'd done set in. She said nothing, simply casting the Exploding Charm on Salazar Slytherin's spell book. Sebastian screamed as if in agony.

Again, the surroundings changed. Ranrok and Rookwood stood opposite myself and Lodgok. We were back in that mine.

"You are a traitor to our kind!" Ranrok roared, a blast of Dark Ancient Magic glowing bright and flying in a burst toward Lodgok.

Lodgok's body hit the mine wall. I called out in horror. He didn't move again.

"Avada Kedavra!" Rookwood yelled. At first, I didn't realize he was aiming for Ranrok.

The mine was collapsing. Ranrok was throwing bright red magic toward me. I had to move.

The scene changed again. I was drowsy, and I felt surrounded by comfort. A woman softly hummed a haunting melody. I opened my eyes, I was met with her beautiful smile. Her eyes were each their own color—one blue and one green.

"I believe we may be done for the day, Miss Jerome," Professor Hecat's voice cut through the memory, bringing me back to the present.

I blinked, eyes focusing on her again. "Of course, Professor."

She averted her gaze, considering for a moment. "I can see you're going through quite a lot. It may be best if we pause our lessons for the time being. I can see your mind is not where it should be."

I felt tears threatening to fall. I knew she was right, of course. She'd seen just about every single memory without me putting up much of a fight, after all. That didn't make it any easier to hear. "I'm sorry, Professor."

Her brows knit, a look of sympathy on her face as she drew closer and placed a hand on my arm. "You have been through quite the ordeal. It is no wonder you cannot focus."

I refused to meet her gaze, knowing that if I did, I'd probably break into sobs.

"How about we meet again in three weeks," Hecat suggested gently. "Continue to study and do the exercises I taught you, and we'll see how you've progressed then."

Slowly, I nodded in agreement, my eyes finally meeting hers.

She gave me a worried smile and my arm a squeeze. "You will get through this. I promise."

I thanked her, heading to the library instead of my common room, hoping to catch Poppy and Natty for one of their nightly study sessions since it was still early. I found them, and we studied for about thirty minutes before Natty retired. Only a few minutes after, I caught Poppy nodding off over our Transfiguration homework, so I assured her I would be fine and sent her on her way.

In the Shadow of Darkness | Sebastian SallowWhere stories live. Discover now