Study Session

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         At Defence Against the Dark Arts that week, we covered Inferi. Sebastian spent most of the lesson staring at the textbook in front of him, which I supposed would fool many into thinking he was engaged. I knew better. Occasionally, he would shift uncomfortably in his seat, reach into his robes, and pop a piece of chocolate into his mouth. Though I questioned its efficacy in this case, perhaps he believed it would make him feel better. The mind was a mysterious place, after all.

Once class was finished, I approached Professor Hecat. I saw Ominis approach Sebastian and gesture him out of the room, presumably to talk. This left myself and the professor alone to ask my question.

"Ah, Ms. Jerome, how can I help you?"

"I had a question based on a couple books from the library, and hoped maybe you could answer," I told her, feeling oddly timid. It's not like the books were in the Restricted Section, I thought, so why was I nervous?

"Go ahead." Professor Hecat had a gentle, encouraging smile. It was one of the things I'd always liked about her.

"It's about Legilimency and Occlumency."

She raised an eyebrow, waiting for me to continue.

"I was curious about studying both topics further, especially Occlumency, since I feel it might be a useful skill. Do you or any of the other professors have knowledge or recommendations?"

Hecat's smile turned wry. "Well, Ms. Jerome, you've certainly started with the right person. In fact, I believe the only other member of the staff with any experience with either, would be Professor Sharp, as he was an Auror." She took a breath. "It's not part of the Hogwarts curriculum due to its difficulty, as well as it's potentially dangerous uses in the wrong hands. However, as you've surmised, it can be very useful despite the risks."

"Are you a Legilimens, Professor?"

"I am, indeed," she affirmed. "I can suggest several books you may find of interest, and give you a note for ones that are in the Restricted Section. Additionally, if you are interested in learning more than theory, we can certainly arrange private lessons."

"I would like that. Thank you, Professor."

"Of course." She produced a piece of parchment and a quill, scribbled a few lines, and gave it to me. "You may start there. Come and find me once you've finished those."

I took the note gratefully, thanked her, and hurried for the door. I still had plenty of time to get to Herbology, but I was hoping to catch up with Sebastian before—

"There you are!" Natty's voice gave my whole body a jolt of surprise.


The other girl grinned, walking over and linking arms with me. "I'm glad I caught you. Are we still studying in the library this evening?"

"Yes, I'll be there," I promised.

"Good." She leaned a bit closer, her voice low, "Poppy received an owl from Sirona this morning. We can all talk about it there."

As we approached the greenhouses, I spotted Ominis and Sebastian talking under the massive tree. "I'll talk to you more later. I need to check on Sebastian after Defence Against the Dark Arts earlier," I told her.

She seemed satisfied, releasing my arm and heading into the Herbology classroom.

Sebastian was in the middle of telling Ominis something, almost speaking in a whisper so I couldn't hear. Ominis nodded, his brow furrowed. "This is a burden made much lighter by many friends to support you. I promise to be one of those friends."

"Thank you, Ominis." Sebastian sounded so relieved as he reached for the other Slytherin's arm, giving it a firm squeeze.

I smiled, thankful to see that the two had made up.

"Now, I must get to class. I'll see you at dinner?"

Ominis smiled and nodded. "Wouldn't miss it."

Sebastian turned, seeing me then. A look of surprise turned to one of uncertainty, but before he could say anything, I threw my arms around his neck. His own arms went around my waist as he sighed against me.

"How are you feeling?" I asked softly.

"Better," he replied, releasing me, one hand finding mine, and looking between me and Ominis, "thanks to both of you."

Smiling at Ominis, I grabbed his hand as well, feeling powerful with both of them at my side.


Later that evening, Poppy, Natty, and I had spread out our schoolwork on a large table near the back of the library.

"Ugh, I hate this Divination assignment! Why do we need to know so much about theory?" Poppy exclaimed in frustration. They'd been assigned reading on Xylomancy and two feet of parchment providing an overview of the practice and an in-depth description and evaluation of two omens, good and bad.

Natty laughed. "Wait until we go out and read them! My mother tried to teach me many years ago. I still don't understand it."

I chuckled. It was good to have some sort of "normal" interactions. After last year, I wasn't sure I ever would again. Sometimes, it was nice to simply talk about the mundane topics of schoolwork.

"It's Potions for me," I interjected. "I feel like I've barely gotten any of Sharp's assignments close to right."

"My Draught of the Living Dead was red," Natty agreed, "and I am not looking forward to the writing assignment on Golpalott's Third Law. Our potion book doesn't even include a basic explanation!"

"Looks like we'll be spending loads of time in the Library this year," I said with a sigh.

"You said you've heard from Sirona?" Natty finally asked after we'd all fallen into silence for a while.

"Uh...yes." Poppy looked around quickly to make sure no one was around. "Officer Singer told her that she believes a phoenix may have set the fire."

I raised my eyebrows. Not only were phoenixes exceptionally rare, but setting fire to buildings certainly wasn't something they were known for.

"But there's more," she continued. "Yesterday, a dragon stole a cow out of a field next to Hogsmeade."

"I've seen that before," I affirmed. It was rare, but nothing out of the ordinary for the beast.

Poppy shook her head. "She said it seemed like it was trying to take the owner, not the cow."

A perplexed Natty asked, "Very odd."

Poppy nodded, looking hesitant.

"What is it?"

"Sirona says there are other hamlets bordering the Forbidden Forest experiencing similar issues, all with beasts and beings. Something isn't right." She sighed. "I don't even know where to begin."

"I wonder if we could speak with Dorran?" I suggested.

She considered for a moment. "We could try."

"Who is Dorran?" Natty asked.

"He's a centaur," I replied. "He helped us with..." At Poppy's glance, paused, "...some things, last year."

"And I hate to say it, Natty, but this is one meeting that Eleanor and I should probably do alone," she said apologetically. "Dorran and the other centaurs know us, but they don't take kindly to strangers."

"I understand," Natty said, but she seemed a little disappointed.

As the evening went on, theconversation turned back to school work. We stayed in the Library for hours,until Madam Scribner made us leave. Natty and I walked together back to ourcommon room, laughing about an incident between Samantha Dale and CressidaBlume earlier in the week. I was grateful to her for bringing it up, once againtreasuring every moment spent worrying about the "normal."

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