The Undercroft

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Herbology was mainly a review the next day, with Professor Garlic showing them the most effective ways to grow and maintain Fluxweed and Knotgrass. Ancient Runes was more difficult than I'd thought, with the professor giving me two extra assignments in addition on top of the main one. My other classes, blessedly, turned were reviews and laying the groundwork of what to expect for the term and year.

Most evenings, I ate dinner with Natty and then caught up in the common room before bed. She was worried about my involvement with Sebastian, saying she'd heard a rumor that we were courting. I was quick to dismiss the notion, but inwardly, I could see why someone may believe it. Though I didn't tell her everything, I did say that Sebastian was still dealing with his time in Azkaban, and I was trying to help him where I could. She didn't seem completely satisfied, but let it go after that.

Poppy had heard the same rumors, so when she and I partnered in Care of Magical Creatures, I made sure to set the record straight with her, as well. She suggested introducing him to a Puffskein, since they were known to bring comfort to many. "Or, perhaps a Kneazle, but they can be a touch unpredictable about who they do and do not like," she added, and I knew she was referring to their sense of untrustworthy people.

Ominis kept his distance, likely due to the fact that all of the classes we shared were also shared with Sebastian, who was never very far from me. I received an owl to meet him at the Undercroft on Thursday evening, so I skipped dinner and headed to the tower instead.

"You wanted to see me?" I asked as the door closed behind me, letting him know it was me.

He, was standing by the triptych, much like Sebastian had been. "This is the pensieve and portrait you discovered, isn't it?"

"Yes, Isidora never appeared in the painting. I think it's because she had one in Feldcroft that was burned beyond recognition."

"Feldcroft..." he repeated thoughtfully. We stood in silence for what seemed a long time before he turned to face me. "I received a reply from Anne. She asked if I could see her on Saturday morning or afternoon. She's all right with you coming, but doesn't wish to see Sebastian."

"How did she take the news that he's not in Azkaban?"

"Honestly? She seemed a bit relieved. She told me she's been worried about him ever since he sent her that owl last spring." He smirked, adding, "I have half a mind to tell her some of the rumors I've been hearing."

Exasperated, I made a noise akin to a growl. "Not you, too!"

"He certainly seems to be very attached to you, though," he commented casually.

"I know..." I trailed off looking at the blank wall. I kept hearing his words, telling me how alone and weak he felt. "I'm worried about him."

"Me, too," Ominis agreed. "He's not sleeping."

"I figured as much."

"So, would you like to come with me on Saturday?"

"I'm meeting with Sebastian in the morning. Could we meet after?"

Ominis considered for a moment, then shook his head. "Perhaps I should go alone this time, while you distract him. He's less likely to notice I'm gone if—hold on."

The Undercroft door opened, revealing Sebastian. He looked between the two of us, clearly surprised he was not alone.

"That's my cue," Ominis said quietly. "Look for my owl...later."

"Of course," I replied, watching as Ominis brushed past Sebastian as if he weren't even there.

Sebastian watched him leave with a forlorn look. He stood there for a while after the door closed, his posture showing the defeat I knew he must be feeling.

"Hello, Sebastian," I finally greeted.

He turned, the smile on his face not reaching his eyes. "I wasn't expecting to find anyone down here. I'm sorry if I interrupted...something."

Jealousy? That was a new one. "I beg your pardon?!"

He made a sound of disgust, but chose to drop it. "Never mind."

I raised my brows, wishing I knew what was going on in that head of his. "Ominis wanted to practice some potion work since he struggled last year on his O.W.L.s," I lied.

"Ah, yes," Sebastian said thoughtfully, "I noticed he wasn't having the best time with that Draught of the Living Death." He winced. "But then neither were we."

"We could definitely all use the practice," I said with a laugh, thankful he'd believe my half-truth.

Our eyes met. He smiled coyly, rubbing the back of his neck. "I've been coming down here to think—" he produced a book— "and read a bit."

I caught sight of the title, and my brow furrowed. "Legilimency?" I tried the foreign word on the cover.

"ISome people would call it mind-reading, but it's more complicated than that," he told, me,opening to the table of contents and leaning over to show me. "See? It covers the theory behind it and even a little bit about how to learn it. Not too much detail, though. I suspect that's something you'd find in the Restricted Section, if it's in the library at all."

Oh, great, he was thinking of breaking into the Restricted Section. Again. "What brought about this interest?"

He looked up at me before his eyes quickly darted back down to the text. "It sounded interesting?"

I didn't believe it for a minute, but decided to let it go—for now. "What have you learned so far?"

"Well," he glanced at me as he turned to a bookmarked page, balanced the book in one arm, and then pointed to his reference, "it's a spell, but it's also a learned skill. It can take years to master, if you can even start."

I looked over his shoulder, reading the text. Despite any hidden motives, it was interesting. A paragraph caught my eye, and I read it aloud, "'A few Legilimens have a natural ability for the practice, such as Salazar Slytherin, able to utilize it without the use of a wand by mere eye contact.'"

"'Other examples of Legilimens include the Sorting Hat at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, the Japanese Satori, and the American Wampus Cat.' Fascinating isn't it?" Sebastian asked me.

I nodded, realizing how much I liked seeing him like this. We settled on the stone floor to read it a bit more. Though I had my doubts about what had drawn his attention to it, I couldn't blame him for his interest. In addition to Legilimency, we learned of its opposite, Occlumency, which I made a note to investigate further since it seemed like a talent worth having as a Keeper.

As curfew drew nearer, I felt reluctant to leave. Eventually, Sebastian closed the book with a yawn, referencing the time before standing and offering me his hand. I took the offered assistance, not surprised to feel the hum from the touch anymore. He was smiling, genuinely smiling, and it was infectious.

"You know, I worried things couldn't go back to the way they were before. And maybe they won't get there completely," he observed, "but tonight reminded me a bit of last year, in a good way."

"Me, too," I agreed. "See you on Saturday?"

"See you then. Eight o'clock, sharp." His smile widened as he gave my hand a squeeze before dropping it and heading for the door. I watched him depart, hoping that one day he would find some semblance of normal again.

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