A Proper Duel

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I dreamed of Sebastian. We were back at the first set of ruins. He had just tackled me to the ground, and he stared into my eyes as if he had somehow found the way into my soul. This time, after dropping his head to my shoulder in relief, his lips traced a pattern up my neck and to my ear before he covered my mouth with his own. His hands wandered, and a familiar warmth spread through me. My breathing quickened and I moaned as I pulled him closer to me.

I woke up drenched in sweat, my breath coming in gasps. Sitting up, I looked around the room. Everyone else was still asleep. Cressida stirred from her bed across the room, but then fell silent. I stood, padding to the bathroom. By the time I turned the water on to wash my face, my heartbeat had finally slowed. The cold water calmed my remaining frayed nerves.

What is wrong with me? I thought as I looked at the woman in the mirror and she looked back almost unapologetically. Here I was, courting a man who had chosen me, and yet I was pining after one who had chosen to keep his distance. None of this was fair—especially not to Garreth, but also not to me. If I was meant to have vivid dreams about a man, shouldn't they be about the one I am with?

I sighed shakily, my skin raising in goosebumps at the memory of this latest dream. A tear found its way down my cheek. "What a mess."

It was early yet, but I decided to dress and head to the Room of Requirement. Perhaps some time with my Beasts would calm my overactive mind. I grabbed a pastry on my way out of the common room. It was a bit stale, but filled its intended purpose of staving off the hunger in any case.

The sun's rays were already filtering through the castle windows, so I didn't bother with a Disillusionment Charm. It wasn't that I was breaking any rules, but merely the fact that no one had a reason to be up this early. As such, the corridors were completely empty—save for Peeves, who was busy covering the floor in part of the Defence Against the Dark Arts Tower with water for whatever prank he had planned for some unsuspecting student later that morning. He blew a raspberry as I passed, presumably because I stared too long.

I chose to spend the morning with Highwing and the Graphorn who I'd simply taken to calling Lord. They were both happy to see me, even seeming to play some strange game of tag with me. It didn't take long before I was exhausted and collapsed on the ground to rest. Highwing seemed especially perplexed by this, nuzzling me rather roughly. I laughed, giving her a scratch and pat on the head. "I'm all right, girl. You've tired me out."

Satisfied, she wandered off to pester Lord. I watched them at first, but eventually my eyes settled at some far-off point in the distance. At least it was peaceful here, I thought. I breathed in the scent of the sea as the waves crashed against the sand. One could definitely forget they were inside a magical castle while in here.

I closed my eyes, letting the magic that had been thrumming through me over the past few days overtake me. It felt the same as I had become used to but also different—like there was more power than there had been before. I brushed the tendrils of it, feeling at peace. It was good to have that familiar feeling back.

I must have spent hours in the vivarium, only coming to reality when my stomach growled. Figuring I had eaten very little over the past few weeks, I made my way to the Great Hall for lunch. Much to my surprise, Natty had joined Ominis and Sebastian at the Slytherin table, and she waved me over when she saw me. I saw down next to her, and across from Sebastian, whose eyes I swore looked me up and down before refocusing on his plate. I grabbed some roast chicken, taking a decidedly large bite.

"I didn't know we'd Apparated to the stable," Ominis teased.

It was a pity he couldn't see my death glare.

Before I could swallow for a comeback, Natty stepped in with a laugh, "Give her some grace, Ominis. One can only subsist on apples and pastries for so long before needing something more."

In the Shadow of Darkness | Sebastian SallowWhere stories live. Discover now