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"I can't believe she shared all of that with you!" Ominis had been waiting for me in the Transfiguration Courtyard, and offered to walk with me to the Great Hall. I'd used the opportunity to quietly catch him up from the previous night as well as the information I'd gathered from Professor Weasley. It briefing occurred to me that maybe I shouldn't share, but I knew he could keep secrets. He was a Gaunt, after all.

"I figured he'd tell me when he was ready, but I'm not sure anybody can be ready to share that," I confessed.

"Me, neither," he agreed. "I'm not quite ready to let him back into my life—his recklessness started well before the relic—but I will help you keep an eye on him. It's the least I can do."

"Thank you, Ominis. I know it's not easy right now, but you're a true friend, I hope you know that." We skirted the viaduct courtyard and slipped into the entrance hall. "Have you heard from Anne?"

"Not yet, but I hope I do soon." He pushed open the door to the Great Hall and gestured me through. The smell of so many different kinds of food hit my nose, and my mouth began to water. I realized I had barely eaten since the train the day before. "This is where we part ways, I will send you an owl or find you if I hear anything."

"Thanks," I acknowledged before heading to the Gryffindor table for some much-needed food.

Many of the students had already retired for the night, so I wasn't surprised that Natty was nowhere to be found. Garreth was finishing up his meal, and greeted me as I sat down next to him. I grabbed some chicken, potatoes, and a bread roll and began eating.

Garreth swallowed and dabbed his mouth with a napkin before leaning over. "I think Sebastian was looking for you," he said, gesturing across the room.

Sebastian sat alone, picking at his food. I nodded politely, my mouth still full of food. Swallowing, I thanked him. It was no surprise that he was still in the same spot even after I'd finished my meal, so I walked over to him. He looked up, registered it was me, and stood almost a little too abruptly, nearly knocking over his drink. He steadied it, flustered.

I couldn't help the smile. "Would you like to walk with me?"

He nodded. "Yes. That would be nice."

"I know our common rooms aren't close, but I thought maybe we could detour to the courtyard for a bit?" I said as we reached the door.

"That sounds nice," he agreed.

He opened each door for me as we walked through the reception and entrance halls into the viaduct courtyard. A couple of students were playing Gobstones in a corner. A few others were scattered about reading or doing homework. I walked to the wall overlooking the lake, watching the light play on the hills and water with the setting sun.

We stood there for a while. I wasn't sure how long, but it was an easy silence. The fresh air mingled with a mossy scent and...chocolate? I looked over in time to see Sebastian popping a piece of the candy in his mouth. He offered me a piece, much like he had earlier, but this time I declined.

"I don't remember you liking chocolate so much."

"I didn't," he said, his mouth still somewhat full. He paused for a moment to swallow. "It helps with the..." he trailed off, seeming unsure how to finish. He looked down at the package somberly before placing it back in his robes. "The dementors, they feed off of human emotions. Hope, happiness, anything like that. All that's left is the despair. It can take a long time to recover from that. After my trial, I... they gave me chocolate to help my recovery. It really does help," he added with relief.

"I'm so sorry, Sebastian." I reached for his hand, which was resting on the wall, covering it with my own. That familiar hum greeted me, but I was getting used to it. "Do you know how long it will take to get back to normal?"

He scoffed. "I don't know that I'll ever be back to 'normal,' but... I hope I stop feeling so weak soon. The doctors told me it could take 2-3 months to regain my strength completely."


"Ah," he exclaimed, realizing what he'd said. "I spent a couple weeks at St. Mungo's after...everything. I don't remember most of it, if I'm honest."

She watched him for a few moments as he gazed out over the water. "How are you feeling now, really?"

"Weak," he told her immediately, then thought a bit before continuing, "tired, so very tired. Upset. Alone."

"You aren't alone."

"Yes, but I still feel it here." He placed his right hand, the one she wasn't holding, over his heart. "I've lost my sister. I've lost Ominis. Merlin, I thought I'd lost you. You—the three of you—were the only reason I made it through...that place." His lip quivered, and he swallowed, turning to face me. Tears welled up in his eyes. "I thought for sure I wouldn't see any of you again, and I promised myself that if I did, I'd be a better friend, a better brother, but I'm not sure I know how!" He covered his mouth in what I thought at first was a cough, but it was a sob.

I looked around, finding a bench that was more secluded and leading him there to sit. He took a few deep breaths to regain control of his emotions there.

"I'm sorry, I—" he sniffled. "I don't know what's wrong with me."

"Nothing is 'wrong' with you, Sebastian. You've been through an ordeal." I rubbed his back, much like I had the night before. "If you'd like, I can take you to Madam Blainey?"

"No," he dismissed the thought, clearing his throat before having another small piece of chocolate. "I'll be fine." We sat there for a few minutes before he spoke up again. "You're very good at that," he said, gesturing behind him.

"It's a trick I learned at the orphanage for soothing the younger children," I explained as I dropped my hands in my lap.

"I can't imagine what that must have been like. Did you ever know your parents?"

"No, I was a foundling. I don't even know if my parents were magical."

He sighed, grasping my hands in his. "I feel terrible just now asking about it. You know so much about me, but I know so little about you."

"You had a lot going on," I assured him. "Besides, the only person who really knew anything about me was Professor Fig."

"I still can't believe he's gone," Sebastian thought aloud. "You know, he was the first professor who made me think I could do better? I shudder to think what he'd think of me now. What all of the professors must think of me."

With the fading light, I knew it was becoming time for us both to get back to our common rooms. I stood, maintaining a grasp on one of his hand so that he would, too. "You know what I think? The professors here care about you, and they want to make sure you have what you need to ensure your success."

"I highly doubt that, but I'll take your word for it." The ghost of a smile played on his lips.

We were walking toward the entrance hall now, but I stopped just before we reached the steps. "Would you like to meet me this weekend?"

"The Undercroft?"

I shook my head. "I actually wanted to show you something, if that's ok?"

He smirked, eyes narrowing. "What do you mean?"

"Meet me at the base of the Astronomy Tower on Saturday morning and I'll show you."

"It's a date," he teased.

I grinned, so happy to hear him like this. We walked into the hall, hand-in-hand, only parting ways when we had to go to our separate common rooms. As I gave the Fat Lady the password, I was already deciding what to show him first in the Room of Requirement.

In the Shadow of Darkness | Sebastian SallowWhere stories live. Discover now