Birthday Surprise

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A/N: I apologize in advance for using the word "snogging," since there was no such word in the 1890s. Fun fact, the Victorians had a similar word: "firkytoodling," but let's just say it was a little bit more graphic in meaning and probably not meant for mixed company. Also, I can't imagine anyone even attempting to say it without laughing way too hard! I hope you enjoy reading this chapter as much as I enjoyed writing it!


The following week, Professor Hecat stopped focusing as much on theory for our Occlumency lessons, and after a detailed discussion of what to expect, cast her first of many Legilimency spells on me. Beforehand, she warned that she would inevitably see memories I probably didn't wish for her to see, but guaranteed me that any secrets were safe with her. Perhaps it was out of character for me to trust her, but we had spent weeks building a positive relationship, and I believed her.

The lesson went about as well as expected, with her breaking through my defenses almost immediately. Even knowing she would speak a word to no one, it felt uncomfortable knowing that she knew my most intimate thoughts. "This is why," she told me, "it's best to practice with someone you can trust with your secrets." She then assured me that I was already doing better than many, and I would only continue to improve with practice. I couldn't help but notice her small smile during the next Defence Against the Dark Arts class as she saw Sebastian and I paired up and practicing our non-verbal spell work.

Poppy and Sebastian went out on the first exploration of the Forbidden Forest, finding nothing in or around the four northernmost caves. I knew they were frustrated by the lack of evidence, but I knew we would find something...eventually. Natty and I explored the next set, finding a few Acromantulas along the way, but not much else. Ominis, though unable to explore with us, had organized a great system of assigning areas to look and crossed off those we'd already visited. I thought, perhaps, we would get through the cave systems by the end of winter at the rate we were going.

As October faded, the artist Ominis had contacted made his way to Feldcroft, moving the painting to a studio in Hogsmeade, but making no promises about restoring it. The Sunday before Halloween, Ominis and I had hatched a plan to surprise Sebastian—and Anne—for their birthday that Saturday. Anne's condition had stabilized enough for her to spend a few hours outside of St. Mungo's, so we'd received permission to take her out of London and to Hogwarts for the day so she and Sebastian could spend time together for old-time's sake. To set the plan in motion, I sent an owl to Sebastian insisting that it was important we speak and he would need to meet me at the north entrance of Hogwarts, while Ominis would retrieve Anne.

He arrived right on time, asking what was the matter, and I realized maybe the letter I'd sent sounded a bit too dire. "Nothing to worry about, Sebastian. Hang on," I said, sending up red sparks to signal Anne we were ready.

"What was that for?" he asked, a silly smile on his face. When I returned the smile, he grabbed my hands, starting to pull me closer, when he spotted movement and looked behind me. His mouth dropped open in a look of disbelief as Ominis pushed Anne in a wheelchair toward us.

"Happy Birthday, Sebastian," I told him with a grin.

He looked down at me, letting out a small chuckle before stealing a kiss, and releasing my hands so he could go meet his sister. My heart felt full as he leaned down to hug her gently, like a China doll. Her smile told me all I needed to know. Even Ominis was sporting a full toothed smile—a rare sight to be sure—as I approached.

"Eleanor," Anne greeted weakly.

"Happy Birthday!" I told her.

She reached out her arms, and I leaned down to hug her. She whispered, "Thank you so much for setting this up. It means a lot."

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