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I struggled with my spell work and studies the rest of the week. I found even the simplest of conjuring spells difficult, and by the end of each day a headache had settled in between my eyes. I visited Nurse Blainey on Wednesday, who provided some calming draughts and sleeping potions with the assumption my problems were being caused by stress. The good news was I was finally able to sleep without a single nightmare.

Garreth and I met in Hogsmeade that Friday night, as promised. The rest of the Gryffindor Quidditch team were already engaged in lively conversation and games with several of our housemates at a large table in the middle of the Three Broomsticks. He had saved both a seat and a tankard of Butterbeer for me, and the group made me feel comfortable immediately. Garreth, to his credit, made a great companion—entertaining me with his wit and tales of his escapades with his brothers, sister, and cousins; and ensuring that neither of us ran out of Butterbeer.

The walk back to Hogwarts was no less exciting than the time spent at the tavern. Garreth had a perpetually amused expression as he watched his teammates argue about the margin by which Gryffindor would beat Hufflepuff. He leaned over with a grin. "They'll most certainly have a pool going by the morning."

"Are they always like this?" I asked with a chuckle.

His face turned mischievous. "Worse. You should have seen them before the Gryffindor vs. Slytherin game."

Garreth's hand brushed mine. Our eyes met. Though my cheeks were already flushed with the effects of the Butterbeer, they grew hotter. I looked away quickly, but immediately lost my footing on the road. He, thankfully, caught me in his arms. Even in the low light, I could see the green of his eyes as the smell of Butterbeer surrounded me. My breath caught in my throat as my heart hammered against my chest—if it was because of my near fall or his proximity, I couldn't be sure.

"Careful, there." Garreth's gaze moved from mine, down to my lips briefly. Or perhaps I'd imagined it?

His breath was hot against my face, and we stood frozen with me in his arms. Was he going to kiss me?

"Hey, Garreth! You in on the pool for tomorrow?" someone called from up ahead, breaking the spell.

Garreth blinked, straightening the both of us and tucking my hand into his arm, as he called, "Yeah. Put me in for a 150 point margin, ten Galleons!" Though his voice sounded confident, his face betrayed a tension I hadn't ever seen there before.

"Make it twenty!" I called forward, then more quietly, "We can share the winnings."

He gave me a lopsided grin, all nervousness disappearing from his face. "You don't have to do that."

"But I want to," I dismissed playfully.

His eyes softened as he looked down at me, and my traitor of a heart fluttered. We walked, arm in arm, all the way back to the common room. My heart felt light, a happy change from the last few months, and I would be lying if I said I didn't like it.

At the bottom of the two sets of stairs to the dormitories, Garreth turned to face me. "Thank you for joining me tonight."

"Thanks for inviting me." My eyes met his stark green eyes, which held his usual playfulness, and I couldn't help but smile up at him.

Once again, I wondered if I'd imagined that his eyes flicked down to my lips. His hands, which had grasped mine so gently, moved around my waist as he pulled me into a hug. As he pulled away, one hand grabbed mine, and brought it to his lips. He never broke eye contact as he kissed the back of it. "Good night, Eleanor," he said before releasing me entirely and retreating up the stairs to his dormitory.

As I made my way up the stairs to my own dormitory, I couldn't help but replay the moment when Garreth caught me in his arms. My heart had fluttered, and for a brief moment, I had forgotten about everything else.

In the Shadow of Darkness | Sebastian SallowWhere stories live. Discover now