Final Exams

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I had opted not to attempt an O.W.L. for Ancient Runes, and I had never been more thankful for a decision like that as I was coming into the last few days before finals. I'd met with Professor Weasley the last full week of May to discuss class options for the following year, and we'd agreed that my current course load was far too much for next year. She'd set me up with several one-on-one meetings with professors throughout the year, and I'd decided I'd like to become an Auror, which meant I needed five N.E.W.T.s scored as "Exceeds Expectations." Weasley and I agreed that Defence Against the Dark Arts, Transfiguration, Charms, Herbology, and Potions, would be the best classes to focus on for seventh year, but that I might consider adding at least one more class just in case.

If that in and of itself were not stressful enough, Sebastian was avoiding me again. Ominis clearly knew at least some of what had happened based on an apology from the day after, promising he'd try to convince his oldest friend to stop "being an arse," as he'd so-aptly put it. Garreth knew something was going on, but seemed understandably uncomfortable talking about it. Natty and Poppy were my greatest sources of comfort, letting me cry and vent my frustrations, all while sitting there quietly or even hugging me tightly. Frankly, I didn't need this stress right now on top of final exams.

The following week, exams began. Most of my time was spent studying or in those exhausting tests that supposedly paled in comparison to what I had to expect next year. Every evening, I fell into bed mentally spent and dreading the next day. Every day seemed to be study, exam, repeat, with an occasional bit of sleep thrown in. By the end of the week, with blessedly only one more exam to go, I found myself completely unable to focus on books. I decided to go for a walk and before long I found myself on the banks of the Black Lake.

I sat down in the grass and stared out at the peaceful water. It was a beautiful day, with a slight breeze that carried the scent of blooming flowers. I closed my eyes and took a deep breath, trying to let the calmness of the surroundings wash over me. I reflected on sixth year, thinking about how quickly it had passed yet how much had happened. I thought of Anne and Ominis, hoping they could continue to be happy, and that his family would yield to allowing him to marry her instead of arranging a marriage to some member of the Sacred Twenty-Eight. I thought of how healthy she looked now that her curse was contained, even if it meant she was still struggling with accessing her magic. I thought of Garreth and his steady friendship despite how I'd handled our brief romance. Most of all, I thought of Sebastian. Oh, my dear Sebastian. It had been only days since that kiss in his kitchen, but final exams paired with his avoidance made it seem like so much longer.

I sighed. What was I going to do about him? I knew if I spent the summer with the Sallows, these feelings wouldn't go away, but I was running out of options. I also wasn't entirely certain I wanted the feelings to go away. That stolen moment in his family home made me wonder if there was still hope. Closing my eyes again, I inhaled the crisp spring breeze coming off the water. I hadn't the foggiest of what I was going to do.

"Well, hello there."

I started, my eyes flying open.

Sebastian appeared beside me, settling in the grass as well. I said nothing, and he followed my gaze out over the lake. It seemed like forever before he spoke, "Done with exams?"

I shook my head. "I have Divination tomorrow. You?" My voice was surprisingly calm for someone whose heart was racing.

"I'm all done. Finished Arithmancy this morning."

I nodded, not sure what to say.

He picked at a blade of grass. "I wanted to apologize again for my behavior on Sunday. I never should have..." he trailed off with a sigh. "It was presumptuous of me."

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