Awkward Moments

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A/N: I had a time trying to name this chapter...but if there's one phrase that sums it up, it's awkward moments. Ah, to be a teenager again and make stupid decisions! Hope you enjoy!

Fun fact: "gal-sneaker" is a Victorian term meaning exactly what you think it means. :)


I managed to avoid Garreth all day Sunday, and on Monday, I chose to skip breakfast entirely. Ominis was already in his usual spot in Alchemy, looking rather uncomfortable.

"I'm surprised you're already here. Doesn't Sebastian usually keep you in the mornings?" I asked as I sat beside him.

Ominis shifted. "He does, but he is quite cross with me at the moment, so I did not want to wait for him."

I eyed him. "Cross with you?" What could he have possibly done?

"We...may have had a small...misunderstanding regarding Anne," he spoke haltingly. Very unlike him, I thought.

"What kind of misunderstanding?"

The Slytherin tensed, his eyes going wide for a moment. I swore he stopped breathing. Looking behind us, I saw Sebastian sit down, eyes ripe with anger as they bored into the back of his friend's head. Ominis sighed, lowering his voice. "Thankfully, Sebastian walked in before too carried away." He blushed.

"Carried away?" I blinked stupidly, but it only took seconds before I realized what he must mean. Heat crept up my cheeks. "Oh."

He covered his face in embarrassment as his cheeks and ears turned pink, but Professor Nott entered the classroom before he could say anything more. I knew better than to try and continue our conversation.

I spent most of the class wondering if Sebastian had banned him from seeing Anne anymore. Had he demanded they marry? I had heard many whispers in the Muggle world of stolen moments in dark rooms and alleys, many of which were never found out. Though it sounded like Sebastian had prevented it from going that far, I had known girls who'd been forced to marry for merely being caught alone in the same room with a man. What was the normal protocol in the magical world for situations like this?

Class couldn't end fast enough. When it did, I grabbed the sleeve of Ominis' robe. "What happens now?" I whispered, almost in his ear.

He straightened as Sebastian approached us.

"Gaunt, may I have a word?" The other wizard's voice was casual, but his eyes were still angry.

"Of course." Ominis' voice was meek and unsure. I grabbed his hand, giving it a reassuring squeeze. He returned it before he walked away with his oldest friend.

When Sebastian caught my eye, my heart sank. Was he actually glaring at me?

I rolled my eyes and left the room, choosing to leave them be, and almost immediately regretted it. Garreth was waiting for me just down the corridor. "You've been avoiding me."

I sighed. "What makes you think that?" I kept my eyes fixed forward as he fell into step beside me.

"You've skipped every meal since Saturday night, you've barely been in the common room, and Natty told me you were."

"That doesn't sound like Natty."

He blew out a frustrated breath. "She didn't say you were, but I'm not daft."

"Honestly, Garreth," I exclaimed as I took some stairs two at a time, hoping to leave him in my wake, "why do you think I might be avoiding you?"

Garreth grabbed my arm, effectively stopping me at the bottom of the stairs. He used his other hand to grab my shoulder and pressed me gently into the wall, his own body blocking me from moving. His green eyes stared into mine intently. "Please talk to me, Eleanor."

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