Heart to Heart

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Content Warning: Mentions of child/infant loss and conversations surrounding it and suggestions of childhood trauma.



March was flying by, I thought as I watched Ominis cast the Blasting Curse on one of the Undercroft's candelabras. It was already the twenty-fifth. Where had the time gone?


I was still struggling with my own spell casting. Though I was able to do low-powered spells like the Wand-Lighting and Disarming Charms, anything more advanced was proving difficult—and any attempts at nonverbal spells resulted in nothing but a few sparks.

"Extinguemus!" The room went dark, bringing me out of my thoughts. I looked toward where I knew Ominis was standing across the room. "Your turn," he said.

I sighed, grabbing my wand and standing. "I don't know if it'll work."

"It will work," he insisted.

I shook my head. No point in arguing. I focused on the nearest candelabra, glowing embers barely visible above me, and took a deep breath as I reached for my magic. It was there, but it felt like something on the very top of a bookshelf and just out of reach. I stretched for the tendrils as I moved my wand purposefully. "Confringo!"

Harmless orange sparks erupted from my wand.

"Again." Ominis' voice held an air of authority I couldn't ignore.


Again, orange sparks erupted from my wand.

I sensed his movement beside me mere seconds before orange fire erupted from his own wand, lighting the candelabra above us. He seemed perplexed. "This should have resolved by now."

"I know." Even Garreth had begun to tease me that the "Hero of Hogwarts" was unable to do anything more than simple charms.

Ominis made a sound suggestive of him thinking. Relighting the other three candelabras in quick succession, he turned back to me. "Have you talked to Nurse Blainey?"

"She's waiting to hear back from a few other healers. At first, she thought it was stress, but she doesn't think that's the culprit anymore." I shifted uncomfortably.

"What aren't you telling me?"

"She's worried I used too much of my power helping Anne." I sighed, looking at the floor. I was worried I'd gone too far to help her.

Ominis moved to a nearby crate, sitting on it and placing his hands on his knees as he looked toward the ceiling thoughtfully. "It's not outside the realm of possibility. Even I felt considerably weaker after. So did Sebastian. It only lasted a few days, though. This has been weeks."

"Hence my frustration," I confirmed, sitting down beside him.

"If her theory is true, your power will return," he assured me. "It's simply a matter of when."

"I know." I sighed deeply. Didn't make it any less maddening. "I spoke with the Keepers and Isidora about it, and they agree with you. They suggested looking for areas where Ancient Magic has collected over time to see if that helps. They're scattered throughout the Highlands," I explained.

"You definitely should not do that alone."

"Agreed," I said. With a teasing smile, I added, "Are you volunteering?"

"I'm afraid I would be more of a hindrance," he declined.

I scoffed, knowing he was very much downplaying his own abilities, but choosing not to push him. I knew I needed someone to help if I was going to take that route, but who? We were all busy honing our skills in preparation for our final exams the first week of June. I felt like all of my time spent with friends these days was to study. In the past, I would've asked Sebastian, but we hadn't spoken at all since I'd given him the Occlumency book a week and a half ago.

In the Shadow of Darkness | Sebastian SallowWhere stories live. Discover now