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Home » Why Is It Possible For This Type Of A To Also Have An O? » Chapter 38: "Not marked."
Why Is It Possible For This Type Of A To Also Have An O? Chapter 38: "Not marked."
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Jiang Yunshu arrived at the Imperial Capital Hospital in just 10 minutes.

Can't wait for the elevator to run up the stairs before he realizes that he is still wearing slippers, which is very disturbing.

The isolation room where Baitang is located is easy to find, and there is a group of people around the corner. Lin Baizhou first saw him, "Come here! Give a strong inhibitor first!"

Jiang Yunshu took off his jacket without saying a word, and rolled up the sleeves of his pajamas that he had no time to change.

"First release the pheromone to appease the patient," Lin Baizhou said as he quickly replaced Jiang Yunshu with a strong barrier patch, "Then make a temporary mark and inject the pheromone slowly."

Zheng Ruyun was also tormented in these ten minutes. He was afraid that Jiang Yunsu would not come to the hospital on purpose to save Baitang, and he was also afraid that Baitang's condition was worsened by his own mistake just now.

Fortunately, he finally saw this alpha who has been abusing Baitang, but at first glance he really didn't recognize it, and the comparison with when he came to school three years ago changed too much, no matter what. Appearance or smell.

Zheng Ruyun threatened aggressively: "You'd better just make a temporary mark."

After a period of time, both of them seemed to have calmed down, and they were far away from each other.

Lin Baizhou sneered: "Don't worry, there is a pheromone detector in the isolation room, any party will issue a warning if the pheromone concentration is too high, our hospital is not as wasteful as you think, even The safety of the patient cannot be guaranteed.”

Zheng Ruyun is about to burn again, "Fuck."

Doctor Guo quickly stabbed Lin Baizhou's waist, lowered his voice and said, "Enough is enough, Dr. Lin! Listen to what you said, is it correct! Do you want to be complained again!"

Mr. Wang also quickly separated the two, but helplessly: "It seems that you haven't calmed down."

As soon as Jiang Yunshu entered, he was hit by the rich omega pheromones, the sweetness was like a beast with fangs, and he wrapped his alpha little by little, encircling the tread The prey that enters its territory is airtight.

Jiang Yunshu was a little hard to breathe, as if he fell into a large can of viscous toffee, and his five senses were all stuck. He pressed the barrier sticker on the back of his neck and tried his best to stabilize The mind and uncontrollable physiological reactions finally found the naked and shrunken white sugar under the hospital bed.

When omega is in heat, her body is so sensitive to rub floors, walls and iron beds.

Jiang Yunshu squatted down, stretched out his hand slowly, and tentatively released a little pheromone, "Bai Tang, can you hear me?"

"Woo...!" The unconscious omega reacted instantly, whimpering like a small beast, looking over with hazy eyes, looking for the smell and wanting to crawl, but both hands and feet were Weak and weak, he could only move weakly on the ground a few times.

Jiang Yunshu took off his rough woolen coat and only wore soft pajamas. He constantly released pheromones to comfort him, put his palms on the hot body, and one of them pulled the omega out, and then let the white sugar Sitting on his lap, back against his chest.

Jiang Yunshu said: "It's all right."

Sugar squeezed frantically into Alpha's arms, her fingers tightly gripped Jiang Yunshu's hem, and she hummed painfully.

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