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Home » Why Is It Possible For This Type Of A To Also Have An O? » Chapter 51: "Want to hold hands?"
Why Is It Possible For This Type Of A To Also Have An O? Chapter 51: "Want to hold hands?"
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The surrounding environment is low-key and luxurious, cold and cold, without a trace of humanity, Jiang Yunshu stood in the corner, silently scanning this familiar and unfamiliar place.

He walked around a wall and saw a young boy showing three test papers to the air, with a hint of anticipation and excitement in his tone: "Mom and Dad, I got three 100 points in the test. "

The silhouette of a woman turned around and said lightly, "Isn't this what you should have done."

Suddenly there was a series of rapid phone rings.

The woman's hair was neatly tied high and her face was meticulous. She calmly connected and said, "Heavy bleeding? Let Dr. Huang do the preparatory work first. I'll go over now."

Jiang Yunshu watched quietly, his expression did not change at all.

The woman did not glance at the child who was still holding the test paper, and strode past him.

There are bizarre silhouettes and halos in front of you.

The man took off his white coat, picked up the transcript on the table, glanced at it, and said, "I can get excellent in other subjects, why can't I get it in politics."

The boy with the ripped body sat on the sofa expressionlessly and said, "I'm sorry."

The man's face was cold and hard, and he seemed to feel extremely outrageous: "The grades are not as good as me and your mother, how will I be a doctor in the future?"

The boy did not speak, and looked silently at the intersecting lines between the floor tiles.

"Bring a new notebook here," said the man, "I'll make a plan for you, don't sleep until it's done."

Jiang Yunshu opened his eyes in the dark, his breathing was only a little faster than before, after slowing down on the bed, he changed to the side lying position and closed his eyes again.

7:30 in the morning, Jiang Yunshu dressed neatly and went downstairs. As soon as he went to the kitchen to steam the dumplings, he saw the brown sugar jumping out of the kennel in the living room, wagging his tail and frantically bashing him calf, very enthusiastic.

Jiang Yunshu snorted, "Don't wake up the master."

The white sugar stayed up all night again last night, saying that I was reciting the historical year table, and it was almost two o'clock, so I would definitely not be able to get up.

Finally, when it was approaching nine o'clock, Baitang stuck out his head in a daze, appeared at the corner of the second floor, and shouted downstairs, "Doctor Jiang?"

"Well, it's me," Jiang Yunshu was sitting at the dining table reading the newspaper, "Good morning."

"Good morning" Sugar sounded sticky, rubbed her eyes and washed.

Immediately he sat down at the dining table as quickly as possible, "What time did you get up, Dr. Jiang?"

Jiang Yunshu turned the page, "7 o'clock."

"How come you can still get up," Bai Tang muttered when he saw Wu Qing's eyes under Alpha's eyes, "Aren't you sleepy after 2 o'clock?"

"Sleepy," Jiang Yunshu smiled and said, "But I'm used to it."

Sugar pursed her lips and stuffed a few mouthfuls of corn dumplings. I don’t know if it was his illusion. The more he got along with Jiang Yunshu, the more he felt that alpha was bound by countless rules and regulations.

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