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Home » Why Is It Possible For This Type Of A To Also Have An O? » Chapter 99: "Many, many returns."
Why Is It Possible For This Type Of A To Also Have An O? Chapter 99: "Many, many returns."
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In the morning, the alarm goes off on time.

She fell asleep again, which caused both of them to be late, which made the salary that was not rich even worse.

So from that day on, white sugar was forced to stand up.

His eyes were still closed, but his four fingers were inserted into Alpha's hair, and he gently tugged, "... Doctor Jiang, get up."

Jiang Yunshu yawned, left the omega's arms with difficulty and sat up, then bent down and kissed Bai Tang's cheek, and said, "I'm going to wash up."

Sugar took a breath and sat up in a rush. Her unawakened body was very weak. He has also been formed by the alpha to take a sip of water first when he wakes up. He pulls his slippers to the kitchen to see if the porridge is ready.

Jiang Yunshu came out and saw this scene when he was dressed neatly: omega opened his mouth and yawned long, while stirring the porridge with his eyes closed.

He thought suspiciously for a few seconds and asked, "Bai Tang, why are you here?"

White Sugar was asked, "Huh?"

"This Saturday," Jiang Yunshu said, "you don't have to go to class."

"Oh..." White Sugar was flustered, and yawned again, suppressing her sleepiness, "I forgot... It's okay, I'll see you go to bed after breakfast."

Before going out, Omega stepped up and kissed Alpha's mouth, "I'll bring you food at noon!"

"Okay." Jiang Yunshu pressed the back of Baitang's head and swept the latter's mouth, "Tell me before you go out."


But after the alpha left, the sugar smashed back on the bed, but he was no longer sleepy. He buried his face in Jiang Yunshu's pillow and took a deep breath. The smell of alpha filled the tip of his nose. His body was a little hot, and he couldn't help rubbing it around, so that his whole body was stained with alpha pheromones, he couldn't help but secretly took a sip of the cloth.

Like a pervert.

So Bai Tang spit on himself and couldn't help but smell it, but a few minutes later, something even more shocking happened to him, and he felt the throbbing of his brokenness.

Bai Tang's eyes widened in disbelief. He didn't dare to move for a long time, pretending that nothing happened, and for a while, he bit an innocent pillow ashamed, and put his hand into his pants resignedly.

At noon, he received a call from Teacher Wang, asking him if he was free in the afternoon, and asked him to clean up the reference room and teach him some lecture experience. Baitang was flattered and immediately agreed.

He packed the food into a four-layer lunch box, then took out a small envelope and stuck it on the lunch box from nowhere before going out.

Jiang Yunshu got his meal in the nurse's duty room, and was first attracted by the envelope, he gently tore off the transparent glue.

There was a small card in the envelope, he opened it, and a line of beautiful words: Dr. Jiang must eat well! Drink all the soup too! love you!

Jiang Yunshu laughed immediately.

"Huh?" Lin Baizhou suddenly appeared, poked his head out, "Why are you smiling so brightly, let me..."

Jiang Yunshu closed it in a second, put the greeting card back in the envelope with no expression, and put the envelope into his white coat pocket.

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