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Home » Why Is It Possible For This Type Of A To Also Have An O? » Chapter 59: "Then I **** too."
Why Is It Possible For This Type Of A To Also Have An O? Chapter 59: "Then I **** too."
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The most difficult period of estrus has passed, Omega will no longer lose his mind and be dominated by instinct like the previous two days.

But maybe because Jiang Yunshu's strong and unreasonable behavior left a shadow on the sensitive omega on the first day, white sugar was very resistant to alpha's touch in the remaining days.

The housekeeping aunt received a notice last night and came to this house early today. As soon as she entered the door, she was attracted by the sheets and quilt covers fluttering in the garden.

She put down the ingredients, and saw the alpha of this house go downstairs with wet hair, as if she had just taken a shower.

"Mr. Jiang," said the housekeeping aunt, "leave the sheets and quilt covers outside and let me come!"

Jiang Yunshu put the towel around his neck and said, "It's okay, Auntie, please make it richer, and the sugar has lost weight again."

Auntie suddenly caught a glimpse of a dark red tooth mark on the neck of the alpha in front of her, which was half hidden under the collar, and she thought of the bed quilt that filled half the garden outside. , Understood, showing an ambiguous smile, and said: "If you are not in good shape, you will lose weight easily. Don't worry, I will make up for it! Mr. Jiang, please go up and accompany you."

As the saying goes, the elders have seen more people than the younger ones. The aunt smiled and understood again. This tall alpha is not obvious on the face, but is actually shy.

Stepping up the stairs, Jiang Yunshu thought of something and turned around again, "Auntie, let's make some herbal tea."

"Hey, what's wrong?"

In the dark room, omega lay naked on the bed, holding the pillow in both hands and sleeping drowsily, the quilt was piled on the back of the waist, revealing the white back, the shoulder blades were raised, and the spinal groove was smooth It extends to the coccyx, deep enough to hold water, very beautiful, an example of the perfect back proportion in the eyes of a medical student, and the degree to which an art student will be invited to be a model at a glance.

If it wasn't too thin, if it wasn't for three unsightly shallow scars.

Bai Tang's eyes were red and swollen, and her nose was blocked from crying. She could only breathe with her mouth half open, so that the sound of breathing was a little heavy.

Jiang Yunshu sat on the side of the bed and dipped some water on the omega's lips with a cotton swab. He touched the back of the sugar with his fingertips, and the scar was obviously left by a slender and flexible rope traces, such as whips.

White Sugar was woken up by the shouting of Brown Sugar outside, he opened his eyelids in a daze, and met Alpha's slightly heavy gaze.

Jiang Yunshu didn't speak, just looked at the person on the bed.

omega no longer confirmed whether he was Jiang Yunshu as before, but silently turned his head and turned his back to alpha.

Jiang Yunshu said, "Angry?"

White sugar is shown with the back of the head, without saying a word.

Jiang Yunshu leaned over, the mattress made a sound of springs, he pulled down the collar slightly, "You took a bite, are you still angry?"

"Not angry," said Bai Tang sullenly.

Jiang Yunshu said: "Turn your head around."

White sugar is very obedient, the lower half of his face is buried in the pillow, only a pair of swollen eyes are exposed, his voice is hoarse: "Did I bite hard? Does it hurt?" He remembered that it was him Unable to resist, he cried and begged not to be seen, but Alpha still turned a deaf ear and raised his leg, and when he saw the base of his leg from the ankle, he bit him in a fit of rage.

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