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Home » Why Is It Possible For This Type Of A To Also Have An O? » Chapter 45: "two-way choice."
Why Is It Possible For This Type Of A To Also Have An O? Chapter 45: "two-way choice."
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Bai Tang was squeezed behind a circle of students, standing on tiptoe, unable to see Zhou Chaoyu's face, he ran back to his seat angrily and sat down.

"Still not leaving?" Zheng Ruyun came over and licked Baitang's hair.

Baitang held her face depressedly, "I want to talk to the senior."

Zheng Ruyun said: "Okay, then I'll go to prepare the lesson first."

When there were only two people left, Zhou Chaoyu stood on the podium and finally saw the younger brother who was staring at him. He looked at his watch and smiled He said to the other two students: "In this way, or I will give you my contact information. You can ask me any questions after class. The class bell is about to ring. I'm afraid it will delay your class."

This feeling is so good! The two students hurriedly agreed, as if they had been hit by a pie in the sky.

After the people left, Zhou Chaoyu smiled and said, "My little classmate over there, do you want to contact me?"

"Ah" Bai Tang puffed out his cheeks and walked over, "Senior is really more and more like Dr. Qin!"

"Okay, I really want to go to class," Zhou Chaoyu said, "what's the matter?"

White sugar put her slender fingers close to her mouth, put it next to Zhou Chaoyu's ear, and whispered: "Jiang Yunsu is really not Jiang Yunsu"

Although there has always been such speculation, Zhou Chaoyu was still a little surprised, "Really? How did you know?"

White Sugar said firmly: "He told me, and he proved it to me. In short, if Jiang Yunsu was the case, he would not have been in the susceptible period." Halfway through, he suddenly stopped , looked at Zhou Chaoyu with some worry, "Your doctor shouldn't take him for anatomy research, right?"

Bai Tang remembered the day when he confessed, Jiang Yunshu sat quietly on the sofa, calmly talked about his information in the original world, and also talked about one thing that happened after he came to this world, always There was a faint sense of loneliness.

"Anyway, he's not Jiang Yunsu," Bai Tang whispered, "He said his name is Jiang Yunshu, and I'm not lying... If you don't believe me, maybe I can let him prove it to you? I feel that he came here inexplicably, and I must hope that more people know that he is not that black-hearted weirdo"

"Well," Zhou Chaoyu asked, "how to prove it?"

"He used to be an oncology surgeon, but he's amazing." As he spoke, Bai Tang's eyes were slightly curved into the curvature of a crescent moon, "His professional papers are almost all right. You can also sew pork, fast and well!"

Zhou Chaoyu: "…"

He kept a trace of doubt and said calmly: "Okay, I'll go take a look when I have time."

"But even though I know it's a different person, I'm still very scared." Bai Tang rubbed his left wrist again and again through the school uniform. "I'm so afraid of everything about the black-hearted monster. When I hear the word with a flat tongue, I will tremble. That, that body is still his. What if he can come back one day? What if he comes back?"

"I always wake up in the early hours of the night, I wrap myself tightly with the quilt, and dare not run over to ask who you are, in case, in case I hear something different Answer"

"But I think this is especially unfair to Jiang Yunshu, he has done so much for me, but I am still so afraid of him because of that body, that face, but I can't control every The next time I got close, my body was so stiff that I couldn't move."

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