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Home » Why Is It Possible For This Type Of A To Also Have An O? » Chapter 91: "Extremely flirtatious."
Why Is It Possible For This Type Of A To Also Have An O? Chapter 91: "Extremely flirtatious."
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White sugar was indeed teased, but he forgot that Jiang Yunshu was no longer the one who let him ride on his head and would only reluctantly let him not fall. He didn't react, and then his jaw was pinched open and his tongue squeezed into his small mouth, as if he wanted to lick his throat.

"Hmm..." White sugar was very useful, she squinted and opened her mouth to let the alpha invade the city.

Jiang Yunshu's occasional strength will make him very excited.

"Hmm! loose..."

The second half of the sentence was swallowed by Jiang Yunshu again, causing Omega to beg for mercy again and again.

Around 5:45, Jiang Yunshu gave omega a kiss and went out. His work hours today and tomorrow are from 6:00 pm to 6:00 pm the next day, 24 hours, and he has to leave work tomorrow to go home later.

After alpha left, Bai Tang brought Brown Sugar and took the computer to the opposite door. Jiang Ruanjia smiled dully at him. He put the computer on the dining table and started to work.

Organization is a very tedious and thankless job that anyone can do, but it is very difficult to do well.

Thanks to it, I have learned a lot during this time, and knowledge related to law, officialdom, communication, etc. is continuously stuffed into my mind. But as the saying goes, in business, experience is much more important than talent. Bai Tang is young and has no work experience. He doesn't understand many decisions in the document. Fortunately, the seniors in the organization are very happy to answer him.

It was after ten o'clock in the evening after finishing the work, Baitang took Brown Sugar back to the house, he took off his shoes at the entrance, turned on the light with a "pop", and the empty living room suddenly lit up .

Quietly, omega was a little uncomfortable, and it was only after so long that endless misses appeared.

Although alpha is not without overnight shifts, it is indeed unbearable to keep young couples who are in love apart for 24 hours. He didn't dare to call Alpha rashly. After all, he didn't know if the latter was busy, and the two of them had agreed that if one of the two parties was at work and the other was free, the one who was at work would take the initiative to call during the break. Call the free party.

The phone does not ring, and the sugar waits so bitterly.

It was almost 11 o'clock. Before Jiang Yunshu called him, he stood up compromisingly and planned to take a shower first. After opening the shower, Bai Tang glanced at the bathtub beside him, suddenly feeling a little whim.

Speaking of which, couples usually take a bath together. He and Dr. Jiang haven't tried to take a bath together. He thought about it for a while, and his face gradually turned red. Couples usually go to the bar afterward... Maybe they will be in the bathtub after washing... Bai Tang's mind involuntarily appeared some images that are not suitable for children, his legs are separated. on the bathtub...

Ahhhh, don't think about it! Don't think about it! Bai Tang shook his head fiercely, and began to release water angrily.

His eyebrows and eyes are drooping, his eyelashes are fluttering, his beautiful facial features are a little empty, and his look is distressed. He likes being touched by alphas and wants to make alphas comfortable, but **** is very painful, very painful Yes, it hurts so much that my internal organs are twitching.

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