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Home » Why Is It Possible For This Type Of A To Also Have An O? » Chapter 70: "Then you come to like me."
Why Is It Possible For This Type Of A To Also Have An O? Chapter 70: "Then you come to like me."
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When Bai Tang opened his eyes in the morning, there was no one beside him, he reached out and stroked the cool sheets, rolled over and buried his face, he was only happy if he smelled alpha.

Since he went to college, Baitang found that when he woke up every morning, the glacier smell on his body would be stronger than before, so he ran to ask Jiang Yunshu, Jiang Yunshu's face was unnatural for a moment, Then he said solemnly: "It will be safer to let others know that you have an alpha."

Baitang was in a better mood, he straightened up and went out in ten minutes. He didn't even eat breakfast, and he went home non-stop after his morning reading.

He plans to deliver food to Jiang Yunshu at noon today.

Sugar is really good at cooking. He first used the tip of a knife to make a hole at the top of the coconut, poured out the coconut juice, cut the coconut meat into pieces, and added the half-boiled black-bone chicken. Put it in a crock pot with the wolfberry and simmer slowly.

The soup was simmering, and he moved the computer to the dining table to continue the data sorting work yesterday. Brown Sugar slept under the dining table, the only sound in the whole room was the sound of the keyboard and the murmur from the kitchen.

The hour hand passed 10, and Baitang stopped his work and walked into the kitchen. It took half an hour to mix milk, eggs, sugar, high-gluten flour and tapioca to make it sticky, Then squeeze onto a baking sheet and set to 160 degrees for 20 minutes.

Next, cut vegetables, stir-fry vegetables, steamed pork ribs with bean drums, scrambled eggs with shredded carrots, fried pork slices with king oyster mushrooms, and choy sum with soy sauce. During this period, I changed the mochi three times. The potatoes swelled into small buns, and they bounced very well when they bit down.

He gave a thumbs up to the brown sugar, chewed and took out the four-layer insulated lunch box, loaded the vegetables and rice layer by layer, and then took out the second insulated lunch box and filled it with A pot of soup was full, and the last bento lunch box contained three whole plates of mochi.

At 12:15 noon, he went out with three large lunch boxes.

Jiang Yunshu said that he would go into the operating room with the director in the morning to study, and it would end at 12:30.

Baitang was wearing a simple t-shirt and shorts, with a pair of mid-length white socks and sneakers covering his ankles. He took the elevator to the oncology department on the 7th floor and asked the nurse at the front desk. Tell that Dr. Jiang has not come out of the operating room.

"It's okay," Bai Tang smiled, "then I'll wait here."

"Hello there"

Bai Tang raised her head when she heard the sound, it was the two nurses just now, seeing him look over, one pushed the other, they asked gossip: "Are you Dr. Jiang's omega? ?"

White sugar looks too small, like a student, this tangled look is shy in the eyes of the nurses, their eyes are shining: "Really? Yes! Finally! I have seen the deity!"

The sugar is a little confused.

The nurse continued: "Dr. Jiang's arrival at that time simply improved the appearance of our oncology department! Many people joked about introducing their daughters, nephews, etc., but Dr. Jiang laughed come up with a sentence"

Speaking of the most important point, the nurse also created a little mystery, "Guess what!"

White sugar pursed her lips nervously, blinked dryly, and the repeater said, "What is it?"

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