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Home » Why Is It Possible For This Type Of A To Also Have An O? » Chapter 80: "Live a hundred years with you. �
Why Is It Possible For This Type Of A To Also Have An O? Chapter 80: "Live a hundred years with you. �
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When Baitang woke up, the sky outside the window was completely dark, and the surroundings were silent. Jiang Yunshu lay sideways on the other hospital bed that was two fists away from him, his back was arched, and one hand was on his side. Leaning on his waist, resting his forehead against his shoulder, in a dependent position, frowning and closing his eyes, he fell asleep.

alpha was wearing her own casual clothes. Shortly after Baitang fell asleep, the doctor came over to examine him and said that he was completely fine, and then "received" the bed next door. . The clothes were brought by Lin Baidi from their house, and they were fed with botanical sugar by the way.

Sugar's head turned over, painted alpha's face without blinking, and watched it for ten minutes. Afterwards, he slightly raised his right hand to touch Alpha's face, but felt a burst of pain, he froze for a moment, and moved his gaze upwards.

His right hand was completely wrapped in bandages, and it was difficult to even bend his fingers. He was a little stunned, and his right hand was injured? A few clips flashed in my mind, the images of him frantically hammering the edge of the bed with the back of his hand.

A lot of details, sugar can't remember.

He raised his left hand again, a sinuous scar on his left arm, extending from the elbow joint, and the wrist was also wrapped in bandages several times.

Sugar blinked.


Sugar stared at the dead white gauze for a while, then suddenly laughed, her eyes curved a slight arc, which was from the heart.

But it doesn't matter, as long as Dr. Jiang is fine.

All injuries, including future and all misfortunes in the rest of my life, fall on him. Jiang Yunshu should not shed a little blood.

He reached out again and gently smoothed alpha's eyebrows, and touched alpha's hands and feet again, it was not ice.


At 6:00 in the morning, Zhou Chaoyu walked out of the omega lounge with a blank face and went to the hospital dining room: "Auntie, a bowl of white porridge, two eggs, two meat, a cup of soy milk."

"Okay! It's the same package as before, right?"

Zhou Chaoyu made a "hmm" and changed his words: "Let's make three identical copies, all packed."

After eating a bowl of porridge and an egg, at 6:10, he put the plastic bag with breakfast and a folder into Qin Zhongnan's cabinet, and was about to pull it out and put it away. When the suitcase on the side was about to leave, he turned his head and saw Alpha who was standing against the cabinet at some point.

Qin Zhongnan said, "Do you want to go alone again?"

Zhou Chaoyu said: "Where is there another, why do you hold grudges like this?"

"Isn't this the second time?" Qin Zhongnan touched Zhou Chaoyu's face, "Did you not sleep again last night?"

"Sleep," Zhou Chaoyu didn't move, "I just didn't sleep well."

Qin Zhongnan hugged him, "You will catch up on the plane later, do you know?"

Zhou Chaoyu pressed the tip of his nose against his shirt, closed his eyes, and made a sound of "um".

Qin Zhongnan's voice sounded above his head: "Have you made up your mind?"

"Well," Zhou Chaoyu said, "After handing over the job, I have taken two months off. I have to admit that my state is no longer suitable for helping others, sorry."

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