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Home » Why Is It Possible For This Type Of A To Also Have An O? » Chapter 77: "Accident."
Why Is It Possible For This Type Of A To Also Have An O? Chapter 77: "Accident."
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Jiang Yunshu woke up 20 minutes later, his brain buzzed and he sat up abruptly, in front of him was the darkness and dizziness caused by the too intense action.

He slept?


What about white sugar?

Jiang Yunshu's heart sank, and cold sweat broke out all over his body, as if he had been hit in the head.

It has been 23 minutes, what if the sugar

The legs were suddenly hooked by something, Jiang Yunshu was full of irritability and anxiety, and the coldness when he glanced past was not at all.

Sugar was sitting on the ground, her heart skipped a beat, her hand was grabbing at Alpha's trousers, maybe because of the cold, the hem of the jacket wrapped around her bent knees, and she looked like a small dumpling Like, looking up at Jiang Yunshu with a white face.

Jiang Yunshu still had the aftertaste of Baitang's accident last week and his attempted loss. He was almost scared to death. After staring at the person for a few seconds, he bent down and took Baitang into his arms.

If it were normal, Baitang would be held up by the waist and the strength of the alpha would lead him to stand up, but now his legs are wrapped in the coat, he was caught off guard, buttocks and feet off the ground, Was directly caught by the alpha.

He had no choice but to lift Jiang Yunshu's open windbreaker with his feet, and wrapped his legs tightly around each other's waist.

alpha buried in his neck, his hands like iron arms made him breathless, and his voice was hoarse: "Why don't you wake me up, you just sit on the road alone at night side?"

White sugar was itchy from alpha's hair, he shrank his shoulders, "I'm sitting by the driver's door if something happens, I kick the door and you'll wake up."

Jiang Yunshu's brows furrowed, as if he was dissatisfied with omega's understatement, his tone was stern: "You can still kick the door when an accident happens? You may not have reacted before the knife came down ."

Baitang hadn't heard the tone of alpha for a long time, he hurriedly held Jiang Yunshu's face with both hands, and admitted his mistake: "Don't be angry, I'm sorry I won't be like this next time."

Jiang Yunshu was frozen by the temperature on his face, he frowned, his arms slid down from his flexible waist, instead he supported Omega's thighs, opened the rear door, and sat down with sugar in his arms go in.

White Sugar saw Alpha lift the hem of the sweater, and then, his cold hand was placed on the warm belly, he did not stubbornly want to take it out, because Jiang Yunshu would definitely disagree.

alpha pulled out the jacket that was being pressed, and put it on as it was, then opened the sides to wrap the person in her arms, and stretched out her hands behind Omega to zip it.

White sugar stayed in the clothes full of alpha smell, except for the head and the two calves exposed on both sides, the whole body was blocked by Jiang Yunshu's windbreaker, which was firm, warm and comfortable.

Jiang Yunshu suddenly grabbed his ankle, "Why aren't you wearing stockings?"

The sugar was tightly pressed against the alpha from the face to the lower abdomen, the temperature under the palm of the hand was cold, he consciously changed the place, holding the waist of the alpha.

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