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Home » Why Is It Possible For This Type Of A To Also Have An O? » Chapter 71: "Where are you kissing?"
Why Is It Possible For This Type Of A To Also Have An O? Chapter 71: "Where are you kissing?"
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The flavor of condensed milk is getting stronger and stronger.

Jiang Yunshu knew that Baitang was the kind of person who would talk when he had something to say, but he was caught off guard by this straight ball and directly hit his heart.

In an instant, Jiang Yunshu was relieved - Baitang chose to be with him.

Jiang Yunshu asked himself, if Baitang really liked another alpha, would he really let go of it willingly? Besides himself, does he really feel at ease to give white sugar to others? There are so few good alphas in this world, what if Bai Tang meets another beast?

Can he bear the appearance of sugar being hurt again?

No, he just thought about it and felt like he was about to suffocate.

The child he finally rescued, why should he like others? He accompanies the child who is getting better little by little, why should he spoil it for other alphas?

It is safest only if he watches and stays by his side.

While waiting for the sugar to come from the school, the alpha in the susceptible period even came up with an extremely bad idea: if there is a day when the sugar doesn't like him, then lock him up and keep him forever home. Even if Baitang finds out that he is bad and boring, since he chose to like it at the beginning, he has to accept all of himself, right? If you choose to like, then you have to like it, right?

Besides, it's already your own omega, isn't it?

No divorce.

The desire to possess and control has never been greater.

It wasn't until 4 hours ago that he realized that he liked sugar more than he thought.

"Dr. Jiang..."

The mournful voice of the white sugar interrupted Alpha's thinking, "Dr. Jiang, are you okay?"

Jiang Yunshu just remembered that the kid next door was still crying pitifully, he had to agree quickly, or how Baitang went to school the next day would be ridiculed by his classmates.

He said, "Good."

The choking sound was intermittent, and suddenly the reflex arc was silent for a very long time, which seemed unbelievable, and it took a while to ask: "What did you say? Did you speak?"

"Okay," Jiang Yunshu smiled, "I said okay, don't cry, your eyes should be swollen."

Did you agree? Promise to love yourself?

Although he had imagined and simulated countless times the scene of himself falling in love with Jiang Yunshu, but when Jiang Yunshu really agreed, Bai Tang felt that it was unreal, too unreal.

A person as excellent as Dr. Jiang really likes himself?

Bai Tang unconsciously eased her breath, "Doctor Jiang, can you say it again?"

Jiang Yunshu took the trouble to respond: "Okay."

It was quiet for a while, and there was a sudden cry of pain, which seemed to be pinching himself.

Baitang finally believed it, and he wept with joy and whimpered out: "Wow, Dr. Jiang, I—"

Between the lightning and flint, something unexpected happened.

A deafening siren suddenly sounded outside the isolation room, and in less than a second, two fully equipped medical staff broke into the door, one covered the mouth of the sugar, the other lifted the sugar, and directly He walked away with a chair.

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