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Home » Why Is It Possible For This Type Of A To Also Have An O? » Chapter 49: "make persistent efforts."
Why Is It Possible For This Type Of A To Also Have An O? Chapter 49: "make persistent efforts."
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After the end, the pheromone concentration in the room seriously exceeded the standard. Zhou Chaoyu changed his clothes before gently opening the door to go out, but there was still a little sweet taste of condensed milk on his body.

Jiang Yunshu frowned and asked, "How is it?"

"It's fine," Zhou Chaoyu said, "the first training session is over, and Bai Tang is resting inside."

The smell of alpha directly and strongly suppressed the pheromone of white sugar.

Jiang Yunshu was also physiologically uncomfortable. No alpha could endure the smell of his omega being covered up by the smell of another alpha. He endured it and decided to go to the room inside to see the white sugar.

"Mr. Jiang," Zhou Chaoyu put on Qin Zhongnan's white lab coat and stopped him, "You may have to wait ten minutes before going in. Bai Tang will be scared to see you now."

Jiang Yunshu had to suppress a little anxiety in his heart and sat down again, waited for more than ten minutes, and after obtaining Zhou Chaoyu's consent, he knocked gently on the door: "Baitang, it's me, I'm coming in. already."

With two eyes open, he looked vigilantly in the direction of the door, and when he saw Jiang Yunshu's appearance, he shrank back and squeezed even harder.

Jiang Yunshu said: "It's me, don't be afraid."

After crying for half an hour, Bai Tang's voice was a little hoarse, his voice was as small as a mosquito: "Doctor Jiang?"

Seeing that Baitang recognized him, Jiang Yunshu sat down on the chair beside the bed, "En."

Since he learned the fact of the substitution, Bai Tang knew that the soul under this shell was an existence that could make him feel extremely at ease, an angel who saved him from the mud.

At this moment, he seems to be a child who has been wronged to see his parents. Want to hold something, "Angel Jiang Angel, I, I'm a little scared."

Jiang Yunshu silently held White Sugar's hand and wrapped it in the palm of his hand, such a thin arm, with a thin layer of blue-purple blood vessels under the skin obviously scary, "En."

Jiang Yunshu looked at Baitang's red neck, and said, "If you're really scared, forget it, it won't matter, there will be so long in the future, let's take it slowly."

Sugar shed tears silently, he shook his head, his hair rubbed against the pillow and made a rustling sound.

Jiang Yunshu will be very hard working like that. The two get along under the same roof, and there will inevitably be intersections, such as handing something and unconsciously touching. Alpha must first give himself a vaccination, Whatever you do, you have to say "white sugar, what do I want?" It's so tiring.

Home is a place where people feel relaxed and comfortable. His grandmother once told him that day-to-day tediousness will change a person.

He was afraid that Jiang Yunshu would be disappointed in him.

He was also afraid that Jiang Yunshu would change, just like Jiang Yunsu.

White sugar choked: "No, I have to work hard"

"How is it?" Zhou Chaoyu said, "Are you okay?"

Jiang Yunshu closed the door, paused, and said, "The effect is very good."

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