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Home » Why Is It Possible For This Type Of A To Also Have An O? » Chapter 66: "Discretion."
Why Is It Possible For This Type Of A To Also Have An O? Chapter 66: "Discretion."
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The sugar was gripped tightly almost instantly.

That night, Jiang Yunshu had a dream.

In the dream he was lying on this bed alone, with his parents on either side.

His mother always wears a meticulous single ponytail, holds her arms, and looks businesslike: "How can my son be better than others? What do you expect others to treat you with kindness?"

His father is always neatly dressed and his face is serious: "I will only say goodnight to good children, if you don't work hard, no one will ever say goodnight to you."

This is also the first time Jiang Yunshu refuted his parents in a dream, he said: "Someone's."

His parents' facial features gradually became blurred, and the tone seemed to be extremely absurd, "What?"

Jiang Yunshu said: "Someone said good night to me, but he is asleep now and can't tell you."

Jiang Yunshu still opened his eyes on time at 7:00 in the morning, but now, instead of sitting up, he looked to the right for the first time.

Sugar slept peacefully beside him, her face was ruddy, the flesh on her cheeks was squeezed out, and her long black eyelashes were quietly under her eyes.

Sugar didn't fall asleep until nearly three o'clock last night, and he was no exception. The distance between the two was enough to lay another person, but they held hands tightly. Time passed little by little, and they just lay there quietly until they fell asleep one after another.

Up to now, Bai Tang's hand is still lying in his palm, and the **** are intertwined.

Jiang Yunshu's mood suddenly became more relaxed and refreshed, much better than when he woke up before when he was empty. He propped himself up slightly with his left elbow and sat up, then slowly pulled out his hand.

"Huh?" Bai Tang woke up, but not fully awake, and hummed in a nasal voice, "Huh?"

Jiang Yunshu soothed softly: "Let go, I'm up."

The stupefied person will follow the instructions subconsciously, and the sugar will move and immediately fall asleep again.

He slept directly until after 12 noon, and he was a little awake, and his mind went blank for a while, and he didn't know who he was.

He rubbed his messy hair and sat up, his eyes still closed, but he lifted his shirt with his hands, intending to change his clothes.

So Jiang Yunshu, who waited to come in and called Baitang to wake up, saw this picture: the slender and white omega fell asleep with her head down, naked.

Jiang Yunshu laughed softly, "Bai Tang, wake up, come down for lunch."

Jiang Yunshu walked to the bed, and suddenly noticed a few bright red scratches on the left side of Baitang's neck, he pressed his thumb against Baitang's chin and forced him to turn his head sideways, leaning over to look, " Sugar, here"

The two looked at each other.

The voice came to an abrupt end.

Only then did Jiang Yunshu realize that they were very close. If he moved ten centimeters forward, the tip of his nose could poke Bai Tang's face.

Sugar held his breath, his eyes were wide open, his lips were sipped into his mouth, the temperature on his face rose little by little, he dared not move, he could even feel the alpha His breath hit his side face lightly.

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