Chapter 2

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The evening passed rather quickly for Regulus, after the sorting he lead the first years to the common room and told the, all the rules like he did last year. He had been made a Prefect in his fifth year. He was now in sixth year even though he already knew everything they taught at Hogwarts. He was probably better at magic than most of the teacher. 

Regulus sighed as he walked into the shared dormitory. For sixth years, they only had to share with one other person. He was sharing with Barry Couch who wasn't too bad but very messy. He quickly unpacked with a few simple spells. Organizing everything neatly he heard the door open. Hey Black, here's the homework for the summer break. 

Regulus was always forced to finish everyone's homework. It was part of his job, thanks to this he had invented a spell to finish work really. It basically rephrases an essay or passage to make it seem like that the person instead of just copying off or duplicating someone else's work. 

Regulus quickly got to work making 5 duplicates of the sixth years summer work and finishing the rest. It took him a few hours to finish and it was 2:00 by the time he was done. Lucky for him, he was used to sleeping late. actually he was used to not sleeping at all. During the school year he had to finish everyone's assignments and the Slytherins constantly tortured him. By now he was barely affected by pain and could withstand the Crucio curse for for than 3 minutes.

After finishing the work Regulus decided to try to get some sleep. Tomorrow was the first day of classes so he would probably need energy. Laying down he spent the rest of the night staring at the ceiling.

Hi everybody, hope you all enjoyed the story so far. Trivia question for this chapter: What is Jame Potter's patronus?

Written in the Stars (Jegulus)Where stories live. Discover now