Chapter 15

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The next morning Regulus woke up super early, he saw that the sun was just rising and checked the time. It was 5:12, it was the time he usually got up so, he gently got up careful not to wake anyone up. He winced as he felt the bruises from last night, he stood up and stretched lightly making sure none of his cuts reopened.

"Why are you awake this early?" He heard James groan before pulling him into a hug. 

"I always wake up early." Regulus replied with a shrug. 

"Ok, then, you wanna grab so breakfast."James asked getting up and stretching. Regulus nodded before turning back into a kitten and following James out of the Gryffindor tower. They walked toward the kitchen before sitting down. "So, what do you want?" James asked as Regulus turned back.

"Anything's fine." Regulus responded, truthfully he didn't really want to eat anything but he did promise James. However his mind wasn't thinking about the food but about what was gonna happen next. "Why did he agree last night?" He thought to himself while they were waiting. But he did look through the pros and cons didn't he. There was more pros so it couldn't be a bad thing right. 

"Hey Reggie, the pancakes are ready." He heard James say snapping him out of his thoughts. After long breakfast it was finally time to go. Regulus was super anxious the whole walk. He was basically leaning on James. At last they had arrived at the dreaded place, Regulus could feel his heart beating at one million beats per second. 

"Hey, calm down. It's gonna be fine." Jame said comfortingly as he knocked on the door. Regulus just nodded slightly, even thought that didn't help at all. The door creaked open as James dragged Regulus in. 

"Minnie." James exclaimed happily. "We need your help."

"What is it?" The professor answered tiredly. "Isn't it a bit too early."

"Well you see...." James started before looking at Regulus. "I can tell her right?" He whispered. Regulus just nodded, too nervous for the ending. "What if his parents were notified?" He thought to himself as James started to explain to professor Mcgonagall.

Hello everyone, I'm back. I kinda did expect my break to last longer but I realized that writing was a break and I really enjoyed doing it. Anyways, here's a quick trivia question: How many sickles make a gallon? 

Written in the Stars (Jegulus)Where stories live. Discover now