Chapter 6

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Regulus was currently freaking out, James had invited him to hang out and he had no idea what to wear. After an hour of debating he decided to just stick to his regular outfit. Regulus quickly checked the time realizing that it was 8:00 in the morning and he was nearly late for breakfast. Regulus quickly ran out of the common room acting calm with his blank mask on. 

Regulus learned from a young age that this was a very important skill to have. He was pretty sure if it wasn't for his ability to act he would be long dead. Just then he heard a voice break him out of his thought. "Hey Reggie, come on." he heard James say. 

"Hi," he mumbled shyly.

"Let's go, I have this amazing place I need to show you," James exclaimed and without waiting for an answer he dragged Regulus all the way to the seventh floor. "Welcome to the come-and-go room." He said acting like a tourist guide. 

Regulus couldn't help but smile at the idiotic accent. "So what does this room do exactly?" He had read about it in Hogwarts a History but he had never been able to find it well he hadn't been exactly searching for it at all but let's ignore that fact.

James began telling  Regulus everything the room could do, while Regulus watch as he started using hand gestures that didn't make any sense yet made a tonne of sense at the same time. Regulus watched as Jame continued to talk like his life depended on it. He stared at Jame's lips having a sudden urge to kiss them. 

"Wait what, he couldn't like him. They were just friends besides who could love him." he thought to himself. Shaking away his thoughts as James dragged him into the room.  

Hi everyone, hope you all had a wonderful break. Question for the chapter: What colour is Harry's eyes?

Written in the Stars (Jegulus)Where stories live. Discover now