Chapter 8

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Regulus and James slowly opened the door stepping inside. The inside of the room was beautiful there were a few bookshelves filled with books. The walls were covered with light green wallpaper and there were two small red couches. In the center there was a large white sofa. (Just imagine the image except slightly different.)

Regulus looked around the room, it was about the same size as the Slytherin common room. He walked towards the bookshelf excited to find something new to read. Tough he didn't admit it he enjoyed spending the with James. Picking out a book he sat down on the Sofa and began reading, he felt James sit down beside him. A few hours passed and they were just chatting, Regulus tried to focus on the book but he gave up after a while. 

Regulus heard the bell ringing signaling lunch. He tried to get up and leave but he couldn't, looking up he saw a mistletoe just as he expected. He looked toward James, What do we do?

James smiled, " you wanna?" 

Regulus nodded slightly, "Sure"

James smiled before peaking him on the lips. Regulus felt his cheeks heat up. Oh darn, out of everyone he just had to like James Potter. He cursed James for making him blush.

You know, you should smile more. You look cuter that way, James said tapping Regulus on the nose. 

"Shut up." Regulus mumbled burying his head into Jame's shoulder. James just smiled kissing the top of his head. "Come on, let's go to the kitchen."

Hi everybody, James and Regulus are finally together. Time to go celebrate:) Anyway, question for the chapter: What are the Slytherin colours?

Written in the Stars (Jegulus)Where stories live. Discover now