Chapter 14

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Yesterday had been amazing for Regulus. As he was walking down toward the Slytherin Common Room however a couple of Slytherin's cornered him.

"So, hanging out with your blood traitor brother now are you. I wonder what your parents would say?" One of them said with a smirk. "I think you need to be taught a lesson." Regulus fitched slightly.

This was not what he had expected entering the Slytherin Common Rooms. The Slytherins had cornered him and demanded him to stop hanging out with them. Of course Regulus refused, he wouldn't stop hanging out with his only friends no matter what. Unfortunately the other choice involved a bit of torturing and being punched a few thousand times. He tried to defend himself but after they started to use to Cruciatus Curse he just gave up. Just then a loud voice interrupted the fight. "You know what, if you aren't going to stop hanging out with blood traitors then you are officially kicked out of Slytherin." One of them declared and Regulus soon found himself outside the Slytherin common room his body covered in bruises and cuts.

He tried to move slightly but soon hissed in pain. He decided to turn into a cat first before moving elsewhere, he knew form experience that using his kitten form reduces pain by 50%.

Regulus got up gently before slowly walking toward the Gryffindor tower. It wasn't really surprising that it took more than 30 minutes cause Regulus was badly injured and at least the last time he checked injured small kittens couldn't move really fast. Just as he arrived, the door swung open and James walked out happily. "I told you there was a cat outside." He said scooping Regulus into his arms. "you're adorable, you know that right." he cooed stepping back in.

Regulus listened as James and Sirius continued chatting for a while before going to bed. After closing the lights James turned towards him, "you can stop pretending now." he said nodding at Regulus. Regulus groaned knowingly that James knew about his animagus form. Burring his head in Jame's shoulder he quickly turned back. "Hey look at me. What happened?" James asked concernedly knowing something was wrong.

"It's nothing, just a few bullies." Regulus replied looking up slightly wincing as Jame immediately gasped pulling Regulus closer.

"Who did this?!" He demanded observing the bruises and cuts on Regulus' face. "You're also shaking, pretty sure that's a sign of the Cruciatus curse." He added clearly angry. "Come on we are reporting this to professor Mcgonagall tomorrow morning."

"But she can't do anything James. Only the head of the house can deal with these things and slughorn doesn't care enough." Regulus replied still shaking as James wrapped his arm about him.

"You know what, I don't care. I'm telling Mcgonagall and I promise she'll take care of those bullies." James said barely hiding his anger towards the bullies. "Then you might even move to Gryffindor."

"James, you know I can't do that. What if my parents find out, they'll do something bad." Regulus panicked not thinking of the different things that could possibly happen.

"But, they aren't your parents anymore. Didn't I say that you were to come to my place in the summer." James replied not getting why Regulus was so panicked. "Besides all the Gryffindors really like you, so I don't see what the problem is."

"But..." Regulus started but was cut off by Jame's pleading.

"please Reggie." He begged.

"Fine," Regulus decided unable to think of anymore bad things that could possibly happen.

Yesssss! We'll go tell her tomorrow morning and you'll officially become a Gryffindor. James cheered happily until he was hit in the head by large pillow.

"Just go to bed." Sirius demanded as he continuously whacked James with the pillow. "You're being too loud!!!"

"Fine, Fine." Jame replied and with that they went to bed.

Hi everyone, I am actually going to take a break for writing right now. School has been really stressful and I can't think of anything to write for the moment. I should be back to writing in a few weeks. Also, trivia question for the chapter: What is Lily's sister called?

Written in the Stars (Jegulus)Where stories live. Discover now