Chapter 4

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Regulus sighed as he turned around to face his brother. Hey Siri, he began but was cut off by his brother

"What do you want?" He heard his brother demand. 

"I just wanted to talk about the..." he tried to answer but was cut off again.

"You wanted to talk about what? Dragging be back to that hell hole or about joining the dark lord? You know what, I don't even care what you do anymore. Go on, be a death eater for all I care just leave." Sirius shouted

"But Siri, I..."

"Don't call me that, only my friends call me that."

" but we are brothers" Regulus said softly deeply hurt by his brother's words.

" You are no brother of mine. You are just one of them, those who torture people for fun. Now just leave, go hang out with you death eater pals.

Regulus felt tears sting his eyes and he turned around and ran off quickly. He ran in the direction of the Astronomy tower, it was his safe place where he could hide from the world. Unfortunately his luck was worse than ever that day, just as he ran into the tower he nearly hit his cousin and his boyfriend. 

Oh hello there Reggie, what are you doing here." He heard his cousin Bellatrix say is a whisper tone. 

"Interrupting our lovely moment here," Rodolphus added. They smirked at each other before pulling out their wands. "Curcio," he said laughing as he screamed in pain. They enjoyed torturing him for a moment before stopping the curse and leaving. 

Regulus stayed curled up in a small ball as tears streamed down his face. Just then he heard the door open was a slight creaking sound.

Yellow everybody, hop you enjoyed the chapter. Question for the chapter: what is regulus black's Animagus  form?

Written in the Stars (Jegulus)Where stories live. Discover now