Chapter 20

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Regulus got up and walked towards the entrance stepping out and taking a deep breath. James got up after him, grabbing the luggage. Well, that's one good thing about having a boyfriend. They are almost always willing to carry your luggage for you. Well, at least that is the case for Regulus. As the group stepped out of the train, they immediately heard and saw a couple rush up to them.

"James, Sirius! We missed you guys so much." She exclaimed before turning to face Regulus. "And, you must be Regulus." She added, smiling kindly. "I'm Euphemia, but you can call me Effie."

"And I'm Fleamont, but you can call me Monty." The other person standing beside Euphemia added. "I must say James, you have amazing taste."

"See, I told you they would like you." Sirius whispered, nudging Regulus jokingly. Regulus just glared at him in return.

"Come on now, let's go," James cut in, clearly excited about something. After waving goodbye to Remus, they finally  arrived at Potter Manor. Regulus barely had any time to recover from the apparition before James dragged him upstairs. "Come on, I have to show you something." He said excitedly. "So, you know that Remus is coming over to stay with us after next week. And since he is staying with Sirius. You're staying with me." He finished as he slowly opened the door, making it a lot more dramatic than needed. 

Regulus just rolled his eyes before entering the room, James following him. "So, do you like it?" he asked

"Yeah," Regulus replied simply.

"Yeah, that's it." James said, surprised at Regulus's simple answer.

"Yeah, what else was I supposed to say?" Regulus asked observing the room more closely. "It's just a regular room."

James said gasping dramatically. "What do you mean it's just a room, how could you say that." 

Regulus just rolled his eyes again. "You are acting more dramatic than Sirius." 

"Hey, I heard that." Sirius shouted from downstairs. "How dare you say, he is more dramatic. You know that's not true."

"Fine, maybe not, but he is pretty close." Regulus responded. 


The boys continued to joke around for s bit longer until it was time for dinner. Right after James dragged Regulus upstairs again. 

"I know that we haven't really made things official so I got you a small gift to make it official .James started, as he pulled out a small box. "Open it." In side the box was small silver bracelet with the Leo constellation on it. In the center was light blue gemstone representing regulus and right beside it was a light blue stag.

"Do you like it." James asked, carefully putting the bracelet around regulus"s wrist. 

"It's beautiful." Regulus replied. 

"I know, it represents how our destiny was written in the stars."

The end

Hello everyone, this is the end of this fanfic. I hope you all enjoyed it. So after this I will be taking a short break for writing until the summer break before I start a new one. Thank you all of you for helping me reach 1.9k view and everyone that commented and voted on my story. Byeee

Written in the Stars (Jegulus)Where stories live. Discover now