Chapter 5

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Regulus  curled up tighter as he heard footsteps approaching him. He wanted to look up but he was was too week to move after the Curico curse. "Hey Reggie," he heard his brother's best friend say. His luck is just amazing today, first he gets yelled at by his brother then attacked by his cousin and now this. (note the sarcasm)

The person he hates or supposed to hate but had a crush on since first year, is right beside him. Regulus felt James pull him into a hug, he wanted to pull back, run away but he was too weak and upset so he just allowed himself to be comforted. "Look, I'm so sorry about Sirius, he can be a bit of a jerk sometimes but I don't think he means what he said." He heard James say once he stopped crying. 

"Yeah," he mumbled quietly laying his head on Jame's shoulder. "So, you want to tell me about the star," Jame said wondering how someone could be so cute. Regulus' eyes lit up as he told James all about the stars. James just stared at him with amazement, he watched as Regulus's silver eyes lit up. Oh, he just looked so beautiful his eyes glistening in the moonlight as his hair flowed slightly with the wind. James shook his head snapping out of his thoughts. "What are you thinking, that's your best friends brother." He thought to himself. "But you have liked him since last year, besides Sirius doesn't care anyway." Another part of his brain argued. 

James sighed siding with the positive part of his brain. Looking back at Regulus he felt his cheeks flush. "Hey, you free tomorrow?"  He asked as Regulus turned back to look at him. 

"Yeah I think so why?" He asked in his adorable voice. 

"Tomorrow your brother and Remus are going out and Peter is probably going to be doing god knows what so I will be kind of bored. Want to hang out?"

"Sure!" Regulus happily as he bounced off James. After saying goodbye the two left in their separate directions.

Hi everyone, I just love Jegulus, they are just so cute together. Anyway I need some ideas of what they will do tomorrow cause I'm running out of ideas. Pls give me some suggestions:)

Written in the Stars (Jegulus)Where stories live. Discover now