Chapter 10

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Jame immediately pulled Regulus into a hug. "I'm so sorry, you are coming with me over the summer," James said as Regulus pull back.

"But, you know I can't," Regulus said startled at the announcement. 

"Just run away," James said

"You won't understand, Mother has to have a heir." Regulus started. "If I'm not there, Sirius will be in danger."

"Don't worry, my parent will protect you both, we have good wards around our house. Your parents will never get you." James said wrapping his arms around Regulus.

Regulus thought about it for a few moments before agreeing. The two of them left the kitchen as James decided that Sirius need to know about this news. Regulus was uncertain about talking to his brother but James managed to convince him somehow.

The two walked toward the Gryffindor tower, well technically James  was dragging Regulus but let's ignore that.

As Jame excitedly dragged Regulus into the Gryffindor common room, he started tell Regulus all about it. How the dormitories were and everyone's personalities. After James told the Fat lady the password he sat down on the couch. Regulus sat down beside him trying to catch his breath.

"Are you sure this is a good idea?" Regulus asked after a few minutes of waiting.

"Yeah, I'm sure." James replied giving Regulus a comforting hug. "Besides what is the worst that could happen."

Regulus just rolled his simply adorable eyes. "Yeah other than the fact that my brother hates me and might hate end even more." He said sarcastically.

Just then Sirius bursted into the common room. "Hey James, You won't believe what happened today," He cut himself off when he saw Regulus. "Wait Regulus!!?" He asked/demanded looking toward James. 

"Well you see, Regulus and I just started dating." James began being cut off by Sirius again.

"So, let me get this straight, you are dating Regulus of all people." Sirius conformed looking toward Regulus. Well he was actually glaring at Regulus. "Wait, you know he's a Death Eaters right? Must be why he only wears long sleeves. He just like the rest of them, you deserve so much better than him." Sirius exclaimed. 

Regulus looked down towards the ground. He knew this was how Sirius felt towards him yet he was too naive to believe it. He felt tears well up in his eyes as he got up quickly ignoring the ache from his injuries. "Your right," he mumbled before running out of the common room.

Written in the Stars (Jegulus)Where stories live. Discover now