Chapter 13

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Regulus smiled, today was going really well, he and his brother finally mended their relationship and James decided to have a group celebration in the room of requirements after lunch. Regulus didn't really want to eat so he decided to head there early. Entering the room he sat down on one of the couchs the room provided. 

The wall was covered with light blue wallpaper, there were large shelves of books all around the room. The room brought Regulus so much comfort as he picked out a new book.

After a few minutes of silent reading he was interrupted again as Sirius and his friends entered the room. Bookmarking the page he closed the book and turned to face them. James sat down next to him and Lupin sat next to his brother. They are definitely dating regulus thought to himself. 

"So, let's get started. First of all this is Remus or you could call him Moony. And that's it." Jame finished. "Though the girls should be showing up soon." Before James even finished the sentence however the door burst open and Lily, Marlene, Mary and some other girls came in.

"Hello's everyone, how are you all?" Marlene exclaimed being her usual extroverted-self

"We're doing quite well, Thank you." Sirius replied in the same dramatic tone. If people didn't know they would saw the two were siblings. Both over dramatic and super emotional. "Also, everyone meet my baby brother. Reggie these are my friends Lily, Marlene, Mary, and Dorcas."

Regulus politely waved, he was never the social type of person. He was beginning to regret his decision of a group hang out. "So what game should we play?" James asked wrapping his arm around Reggie.

"What about, Truth or dare." Remus suggested thoughtfully. 

"Sure," Lily answered and with that the group began playing. 

"Ok, I'm first." Marlene said glancing around the room wondering who to choose. "Hmm ok, Remus truth or dare."

"Truth," he immediately answered knowing from experience that the dare the group came up with were never not weird and dangerous.

"Ok, is it true Sirius was the first person you dated." She asked, it was the only question she could come up with so far.

"Yep,"  Remus responded as Sirius nodded agreeing.

"Ok, I'm next." Mary said with an evil grin on his face. "Sirius, truth or dare?"

"Dare, obviously." Sirius said dramatically, doing his famous Sirius Black hair flip. 

"Ok, I dare you to sit still and not talk for 10 min." She said laughing as Sirius fake collapse knowing he was about to face something worse than death.

"Oh, come on. It's not that bad." Remus said smiling at his boyfriend's dramatic ways.

"Oh Mooney dearest, you know I'm gonna die. But know this I will always love you." He said fake dying and fake fainting on top of Remus. Everyone rolled their eyes as Lily began the timer. 

"Ok, while we wait let's introduce ourselves to Regulus," Dorcas suggested being one of the only sensible ones in the group. 

"Ok, me first." Marlene declared. "First of all, I'm in my 7th year, I have a pet cat called Bella. I am dating the prettiest girl here Dorcas and a fact about me is that I love art."

"Hey," Mary said the moment she finished. "Ok, I'm also in 7th year, I don't have any pets. And I am dating the actual prettiest here, Lily." Turning to glare at Marlene, "Am I right James?" She asked hoping he would side with her.

"Nah, I think Regulus is better looking than all of them." He answered smirkingly as Regulus blushed slightly. 

Just then the Alarm went off as the ten minutes ended.  

"Uh, all of you are wrong." Sirius exclaimed happy to be able to speak again."I'm obviously the best looking of all of you." Everyone just rolled their eyes and the group continued to joke around for the rest of the night.  

Hello everyone, hope you liked the chapter. Also should I add a few more chapters or should I just skip until the summer where Regulus meets Jame's parents and The end.

Written in the Stars (Jegulus)Where stories live. Discover now