Chapter 16

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Regulus waited patiently for Mcgonagall to reply as James had explained the situation. Her face changed from curious to absolutely furious in seconds as the story. 

"So, Can he move to the Gryffindor tower." James finished. Mcgonagall paused for a second before nodding.

"Of course, you can start moving your thing immediately." She answered "I talk to Slughorn." She barely finished before A over-excited James dragged Regulus out of the classroom to start packing.


After a long time of packing  and informing Sirius about the change Regulus was now officially a Gryffindor. Truthfully the day was going a lot better than Regulus had expected, everyone had been very nice to him and he even made a few friends. 

The only problem now was that Summer break was coming up and he wasn't ready to meet James's parents. He signed to himself, he should really just stop worrying so much. 

The next morning Regulus woke up early as usual and he decided to do a bit of reading. Sadly, not even a minute later a scream was heard across Gryffindor tower. "Why did I ever think it would be peaceful here." Regulus thought to himself as he closed the book to see what was going on. 

"Hey Reggie, little help here." James said as Sirius somehow managed to get himself stuck on the ceiling lights. 

Regulus gasped and looked up in surprise as a black dog was dangling on the ceiling light, beginning to regret his decision. 

Hello everyone, sorry for the short chapter but I've been really busy so didn't get much time to write. Also, I'm really sorry for doing this but there will only be one or two more chapters for this story before the end. 

Written in the Stars (Jegulus)Where stories live. Discover now