Chapter 3

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Regulus got up after a restless night of staring at the ceiling. He changed collected all his books and left for the library. He was used to not eating so there was no need for breakfast. Walking down the aisle filled with books he could finally relax. He pulled out one of his favorite books he read for the rest of the morning.

Sadly before he got to finish the book the first bell rang signaling that the students had five minutes before class. He got up gracefully putting the book back he began walking to his first class. 

As Regulus entered the potion's classroom he suddenly remembered something. There were going to be some mixed classes this year and potions were one of them. Sitting at the back of the room he closed his eyes and tried to remember what class they would be sharing. Just then the door burst open and the silence in the classroom immediately disappeared. Right, they had potions with the seventh-year Gyriffrndors.

He turned away and tried to ignore them but they were way too loud. He sighed before beginning to work on the potion. It was a really simple one he was a lot more advanced so it didn't take him long to finish. After finishing the potion and showing Slughorn he quickly left and slowly began walking to the next class. 

Most of his class were the same, he did what he was supposed to do and then left or read for the remainder of the class. The day was going great, he didn't get too much homework so he was able to finish it before dinner. He entered the great hall, after eating a bit of bread he got up to leave he had an eating disorder so he couldn't eat much. Unfortunately, his lucky day was ruined as he bumped into Sirius and his friends. 

Hello everyone, how are you all? Trivia question for the chapter: What is Regulus black's middle name?

Written in the Stars (Jegulus)Where stories live. Discover now