Chapter 7

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James was bouncing with excitement, Regulus had agreed to hang out. He was currently tearing apart his closet not knowing what to wear. In the end, he decided on his regular outfit. After changing he ran out the door. He was so excited, he was going to hang out with Regulus, the cutest person. 

"Wait a second, did he just call Regulus cute." He thought to himself. "It couldn't be, he couldn't like Regulus. This was his best friend's little brother. Besides Regulus probably didn't even like him." Walking down into the great hall he saw Regulus looking as cute as ever, but when he saw the look on Regulus face he felt his heart drop a little. Regulus was wearing a emotionless mask, just then he got the best idea possible.

"Hey Reggie, come on" James said grabbing Regulus' arm and without waiting for a reply be dragged him to the seventh floor and to the room of requirements. 

"Welcome to the Come and go room." he said in his fancy accent. He beamed when he saw Regulus smile slightly. 

"So what does this room do exactly?" he heard Regulus ask examining the door. He looked so cute like that. Shaking away the thoughts he started tall Regulus all about the room. After a few minutes he paused. "It's probably easier to show you." he said dragging Regulus into the room.

Hi everybody, I hope you are all enjoying the story. It is getting close to the end maybe a few more chapters, just letting you know. Anyway the question for the chapter: What pet does Hermione have?

Written in the Stars (Jegulus)Where stories live. Discover now