{1. Secret Admirer}

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Welcome to the first chapter of Adorable Love: Adrinette April! I'll upload the chapters between 2pm and 5pm, UK time (BST). Let's kick start Adrinette April!

"Another letter? This is the third one this week from my secret admirer and I wonder who it is," Marinette thought as she takes out the letter from her locker and she opened the envelope before taking out the letter to read.

Dear Marinette,
I just want to tell you something that I've been hiding from you for a while now and ever since we met each other I realised that I love you so much. Can we meet up after school please? I'll reveal myself to you when we meet up. See you then.
Your secret admirer

"Whoever this person is they really seem to love me but I wonder who it could be and where have we met before. Well I guess I'll find out who this mysterious person is after school is over," Marinette thought as she smiled and she went to her next class. She sat down in her usual seat next to her best friend, Alya who noticed her smiling.

"Hey girl. You seem to be in a great mood today. Let me guess, you're secret admirer has sent another letter to you and wants to meet you after school," Alya said to Marinette who was stunned and wondered how exactly Alya knew what the letter was about.

"How did you know all of that Alya? I was going to tell you but you somehow know," Marinette replied to Alya as she was curious to know her answer and she hoped that Alya didn't spy on her.

"It was just a guess Mari since this is the third letter that your secret admirer has given you this week so I assumed that they might want to meet you after school and reveal themselves to you. I could be wrong though," Alya told Marinette who sighed in relief and was glad that Alya didn't spy on her.

"Well you're right about that Alya and that's why I'm in a great mood since I'll find out who has been giving me these letters during this week. Who do you think it could be?" Marinette replied but before Alya could give her guess about who the secret admirer could be, the bell rang to signal the start of class.

Though during the class, Marinette was trying to deduce who her secret admirer could be and she managed to narrow it down to two people. Nathaniel and Adrien but she knew that Nathaniel liked Marc so she figured that it could be Adrien.

"Is my secret admirer Adrien? I didn't expect him to write letters to me this week but what if it's not him? No Marinette don't think negatively!" Marinette thought as Alya tapped on her shoulder and she turned to her friend while wondering what was going on.

"Girl didn't you hear the bell? School's over so you should get going to meet your secret admirer before they go home," Alya told Marinette as she quickly packs her stuff away and she grabs her bag before leaving the class.

Marinette sees someone waiting for her as she goes up to them and they turn around causing her to gasp. It was in fact Adrien Agreste, the one whom she has had a crush on for two years as she was delighted that he was her secret admirer and he smiled at her.

"Surprise Marinette. I'm your secret admirer, well not so secret anymore since you know who it is now but that's not the point. The reason why I've been giving you those letters during this week is because I really love you and I've always loved you ever since we met but I was scared to confess so I decided to write letters to you in secret," Adrien explained to Marinette.

"Wow Adrien I'm really glad that you love me too because I have also loved you a lot but like you, I wasn't able to confess my feelings to you but it's really good to know that you like me back," Marinette replied to Adrien as he gently pulls her closer to him and he kisses her on the lips before he pulled away.

"Will you be my girlfriend Mari?" Adrien asked Marinette as she agreed to be his girlfriend and the two shared another kiss before separating. They loved each other since they met but were afraid of confessing to one another because they didn't want the other to reject them. Now they were together and it's all they ever wanted.

Word count: 776

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