{13. New York}

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She never expected the events to happen in New York as she was glad to be back home in Paris but she wondered if she should talk to him about her feelings since Alya encouraged her to do it while they were on their trip but she decided to wait until they were back home. Marinette saw Adrien as she went over to him and he turned around to see her out of breath from running.

"Marinette? Are you alright?" He asked as he was concerned about her but she assured him that she was alright and she smiled at him. Her heart was telling her to tell him about her feelings towards Adrien as she took a deep breath and she started to talk to him.

"Adrien. I have to talk to you about something," Marinette started as she thought back to when she danced with Adrien underneath the moon after they had one of those magic hotdogs and she knew that there was no point in hiding her emotions anymore. Her two new friends in New York had told her to tell Adrien how she felt about him as they were cheering for her and they hoped that Marinette would finally confess to him.

"What do you want to tell me Marinette? Did something happen when we were in New York?" Adrien asked Marinette as she shook her head as a way of saying no and he wondered what she wanted to talk about but he had some idea since he had started to develop feelings for Marinette. Sure at times he was dense and didn't understand her hints at first but after they had that dance in New York, Adrien realised that he loved Marinette.

"When we were in New York, I didn't expect the things that had happen to occur like Hawkmoth appearing but that's not the point I'm trying to make right now. After we shared that dance underneath the moon in the sky after we ate that magical hotdog, I fell for you even more and after talking to Alya as well as the new friends I made there I knew that I had to confess my feelings to you," Marinette told Adrien as she hoped that what she just said didn't sound stupid or anything but he hugged her.

"I'm so sorry for not realising how you felt about me sooner and I've been blind to the hints that you've been dropping to me but now I know how much I love you Marinette. I should've have told you about my feelings sooner but then you started to date Luka and I felt like I didn't have a chance to be with you. Though when you two broke up I gave you some time to get over the heartbreak as I didn't want to suddenly confess since I didn't wish for you to get even more hurt and so I waited," Adrien replied to Marinette as she looked up at him and she kissed him on the lips before pulling away.

"I'm really glad that you love me too Adrien and I had a great time dancing with you in New York. Maybe we can do that again sometime but for now would you like to me my boyfriend?" Marinette told Adrien as he nodded and the two shared another kiss before pulling away. They were both glad that they became closer after their class trip to New York and they were excited to tell their friends.

Word count: 586

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