{5. School Project}

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Marinette was panicking about her project for school as she couldn't call Alya for help since she was helping Nino so she decided to call Adrien for his help and he answered a few seconds later.

"Hey Adrien. Are you free right now? I need some help with a school project so could you come over to help me please?" Marinette asked as Adrien told her that he would be on his way and the call ended. After ten minutes, Adrien came up to her room as he had a few text books with him and Marinette gestured him to sit down next to her.

"Hey Marinette. What is it that you needed help with? I brought a few text books in case you needed them for extra notes or wanted to look at them for more information. What's the project that you need help on?" Adrien told Marinette as he set the books down on her desk and she grabbed her notebook.

"So for my geometry class we were given a country to do some research on and I was told to do China but I'm struggling a bit on what pieces of information I should include in my notes," Marinette replied to Adrien's question about what project she was doing as Adrien looked at the notes that Marinette had made so far.

"Well so far you've include stuff like the capital, the food, the people there and mentioned a bit about the traditions so why don't you add more stuff to that part? In the text book, I've highlighted the parts where traditions are mentioned and bookmarked the pages that they're on," Adrien said as he takes the geometry textbook and he flipped to the page where he had bookmarked the traditions in China, handing the book over to Marinette.

Marinette set the book down on her desk as she takes out her pen and she began to take down notes, making sure to summarise them in her own words so that she would understand them properly. Adrien helped her when she was stuck or had a question to ask as the two students continued with the project and decided to take a quick break.

"Do you have any sodas or any other drinks that I could have?" Adrien asked Marinette as she nodded and she went downstairs to get the drinks while Adrien went on his phone for a bit before Marinette would come back. Plagg flew out from Adrien's pocket as he sat on his owner's shoulder for a bit and he looked around Marinette's room.

"Your girlfriend has a great room Adrien. Do you think she has any cheese? I really want some," Plagg told Adrien who sighed as he gave the Kwamii a piece of camembert cheese and told him to stay quiet.

"I told you that Marinette isn't my girlfriend, Plagg so don't call her that," Adrien said to his Kwamii as he heard Marinette's footsteps coming back upstairs and he told Plagg to get back into his pocket so that he wouldn't get spotted.

"I'm back with the drinks," Marinette announced as she handed a can of sparkling lemonade to Adrien and she sat back down in her seat while opening up her can of fizzy orange juice, taking a sip of the drink before setting the can down on her desk. She picked up her pen as she decided to continue with her notes while Adrien helped her, telling her which areas had the most information in the notebook and after an hour Marinette was finished with her project.

"And I'm done! That was tiring but I'm glad that you helped me Adrien and thanks for letting me use your notes. They were really helpful," Marinette told Adrien as she kissed his cheek to say that she was thankful for his help which caused him to blush at the sudden action and she smiled at him.

"Anytime Marinette. I'm glad that I could help you out with your project and I'm sure you'll get a good grade on it. By the way, why did you kiss me on the cheek?" Adrien replied as Marinette decide to kiss him on the lips and they pulled away after a few seconds.

"It's because I love you Adrien and I'm sorry if this seemed so sudden of a confession but I've been wanting to tell you how I feel," Marinette said as Adrien told her that he loved her too and he gently kissed her cheek. Who knew that after working on a school project would lead to confessions? Adrien certainly didn't expect it but he was going to make sure that Plagg didn't tease him about it.

Word count: 786

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